Chapter Eighteen

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John Pov
I grabbed Alex's arm, shaking my head. "I'm not gonna patch you up after this," I hissed.

Here we are, about to get in yet another fight. What did this guy do you ask? The guy bumped into Alex and Alex said, "Hey, watch it,"
Like any New Yorker would.

But then the guy spat on Alex.

So yeah.
He's pissed.

"John," He said in a some what whine, trying to pull his arm from my grasp.

"No. Your face looks a lot prettier when it ain't littered in bruises." I said.

"Aw, you think I'm pretty, I'm flattered, now let me beat his ass," Alex said.

I said sternly.

"Laur, please, just lemme-"

"Are you actually mad at this guy or is it because you just want to get the shit beaten out of you?" I asked.

"John, I'm pissed just let me go,"
He said.

"Does he deserve it? Does he really?"
I asked.

Alex paused.
His eyebrows furrowed.
"Yes!" He exclaimed, trying to pull away from me.

"No, he doesn't."
I said, watching the guy walk away. "Damn it John!" He said angrily.

"Some people are addicted to drugs, and cigarettes but you? You're addicted to fighting." I noted.

"Don't act like your not!"
He exclaimed.

I didn't say anything to that.
He sighed.

"You can let go of me now."
Alex muttered.

I let go of him, stuffing my hands in my pockets. I stared at him for a moment.

"I've got a question for you Hamilton." I said.

"And that is?"
He asked.

"How do you stay so motivated to fighting, writing and or both?" I asked.

"I've learned to hate life so much, I want revenge on existence its self. That, is what drives me. That and rage."
Alex replied with a shrug.

"That's the best advice I've ever heard and my dad was a senator." I muttered.

Alex snorted, doing a little bow.

I bit my lip, sighing.
I shouldn't hate it.
Though that seems like the only thing I'm inclined to do.

I looked at Alex as his eyes moved over the wonder that is New York. I wasn't lying. He does look good when he isn't beat up. I mean, he looks good even when he's beat up but I prefer it when his face when it's not all..
fucked up.


Alex and I walked past a group of obvious tourists.

"This place is like Arizona on steroids!" A person exclaimed.

Alex snorted while I stifled a laugh.


I sighed watching Alex laugh.


That smile.
Those eyes.

God, what the fuck is wrong with me? He's my best friend not..not anything more than that. Because he would've said something if it was more than that, right? He would. I mean, Alex talks about everything so why wouldn't he talk about..

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