Chapter Seven

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John Pov
I followed Alex through the streets of New York, the light posts, store lights and occasional cars as the only light sources. I shoved my hands in my pockets, my bandages scrunching a bit as I did.

"You gonna explain where the fuck we're going at this hour?" I hissed.

"You'll see, calm your balls." He said, his eyes following a car that went by.

When I saw a few more homeless people, trying to grab our attention, I groaned and put up my hood. Alex followed suit.

"You do this every night?" I asked. "Most nights." He shrugged.

"Not sure if that concerns me or not but alright." I said more in a mutter but was audible.

He snickered, giving a small shrug.

"Ay, is that a Hamilton I see?!"
A voice called from above us. Alex looked up, as did I.

There was a kid, (Nineteen I'd say) on a balcony of an apartment.

Alex called back, a smile on his face.

"..Who the hell..?"
I trailed off.

The kid, or Stevens I guess, went down the small ladder, sliding down it a bit. He looked down to another balcony and jumped to it.

A girl from inside the apartment yelled, "Mom! He's doing it again!"

"Sorry madame!"
He called, going down their ladder and looking to the ground which was about ten feet from where he was.

Stevens decided to fuck it and jumped down.

He said, slightly breathless.

"Stevens," Alex hummed.

"How ya been? Tom's being prissy now that you're gone." He said.

"I haven't lived will you for four years! He's still mad at me?" Alex asked, laughing lightly.

"Not mad, just..
salty." Stevens shrugged.

A lady came out of the apartment above us and yelled, "Ed! Get your ass up here and apologize!"

He rolled his eyes, muttering something under his breath.

Alex pat his shoulder, saying,
"Keep yourself outta trouble kid."

"Says the one with the black eye and bandaged hands." Stevens said.

Kid is ballsy.

"Ay, tell Tom I've been doin' better, aight? I'll visit him sometime," Alex said.

"If you visit him, Im just warning ya, he's really fucking salty." Stevens said.

The lady screeched.

"Jesus, lady you sound like a fucking chihuahua!" Stevens shouted up at her.

"Hey, be nice to her. You are a dick." Alex told him.

"I wonder where I got it from,"
Stevens joked, hitting Alex's shoulder.

Alex rolled his eyes and urged,
"Go apologize,"

"You bitch! Apologize to my ass." Stevens exclaimed, crossing his arms.

"Eh, I'd rather not." Alex hummed, walking away.

I followed him, glancing back to Stevens who was scaling back up the apartments despite the lady's protests.

"Who was that?" I asked.

"Ed. My unofficial adoptive brother." He replied.

"..Right," I said, momentarily forgetting he didn't live with his parents before going to Kings.

"Mhm," Alex hummed, wiping his hands on his sweatshirt and taking off his hood.

I stopped.

"No. There's no fucking way you're taking me to the subway." I said.

I could barely see him in the dark but I knew he had smirked.

"Come on Laur," He said.

"That hell hole is dirty as fuck."
I deadpanned.

He crossed his arms, waiting for me to follow him.

"You're a dick,"
I muttered, angrily walking after him.

"Someone's selling drugs near us,"
Alex hummed.

"What?" I asked.

He pointed towards a pair of shoes hanging from a telephone wire.

"Oh right."
I muttered.

"They look like your shoes,"
I said, furrowing my eyebrows.

Alex shrugged.
"Fucker," I hissed, pushing his shoulder.

He yelped, laughing a bit.
He grabbed my arm, smacking my head. I laughed, rubbing my head, trying to trip him.

Alex stumbled forward, snickering.
He wrapped an arm around my shoulders, and I did the same for him. I walked down to the subway with him, both of us trying to trip each other as we walked down the stairs.

Yes, we're adults.
Yes, we're law students.
Yes, we're idiots that try to push each other down stairs.

I saw a couple rats and homeless people.

"Al, how are you?"
A guy asked, looking shadier than Alex and I combined.

I quickly realized that guy was Dale. Tall, sort of scraggly and dirty. One of the guys I've known back in high school. He's been a druggie through and through but a good man nevertheless.

Sort of a chaotic good I'd say.

"Good, good. How are you my man?" Alex asked, doing a bro hug with him despite the guys gloves looking unsanitary.

"Eh, you know how it is. You saw the shoes. Got a couple kids asking me for shit." Dale replied.

"Ya give it to em?"
Alex asked.

"No. I mean yeah, I could use the money but they was seventeen. Ain't gonna ruin their lives that young."
He replied.

"Hey John."
Dale said.

I gave Dale a short nod, which he acknowledged, both of us doing a small handshake.

"See ya around Al. John," Dale said, walking out of the subway.

"So what do you even do in the subway?" I asked, watching a rat run by.

"Mainly think. But I usually talk to myself but you're here so..I guess not myself." He said.

"Right." I said, watching the Metro system bus go by.

"You're a dick."
I told him.

"Yeah I know. But don't act like you're not." He said with a shrug.

"..Fair enough."

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