Chapter Twenty Four

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Got 100 on my states test.
Basically where you label the states and identity their capitals.
Your boi is a smart boi-

John Pov
Alex and I stood on the bus, holding  bus poles. We'd given up our seats again like the oh so wonderful gentlemen we are. Back at it with the willful sarcasm, as always.

My hand,  the one not holding the pole (I'm not gonna let go of it just to-
I'm not a dumbass) found Alex's, intertwining our fingers. I was somewhat nervous to do this in public but I decided to fuck it all and do it anyway.

Alex raised an eyebrow in slight amusement.

"So I've been upgraded to public, huh?" Alex asked.

"I'll let go of your hand Hamilton."
I said with a glare.

He snickered, shrugging.
"You know, you're the first guy to hold my hand," Alex hummed.

"What? Shut up, what about Dale?"
I asked.

The tips of Alex's ears tinted pink. "That was just fucking, nothing other than that." He said quickly.

"Yeah right,"
I said with a smirk.

"Fine. You want to play this game? Francis.
And what's his face?
Was it..Dyla-"

"You can stop now,"
I said, hiding my embarrassment..
and new found hate for those three men.

He smiled.
"You know I had to do it to em,"

"Oh my god, I've fallen in love with a literal child." I muttered.

"Wow, you love me? Man, I don't even love myself." He said.

"Go figure."
I said.
Alex snickered.

"So you actually liked Dale," I said. "God, no I didn't." Alex groaned.

"Aw come on.
You and Dale?"
I asked.

"Me and you."
He said.

I smiled. Being with him, I mean I'm always with him honestly but being with him in a way more than just friends, is the realest thing I've felt in the longest time.

Depressing, but true.

I mean I've felt the adrenaline, the pain in fighting but that's..
thats different.

While it's exhilarating to be getting your knuckles bruised and fighting till you can't see straight, it''s just a different feeling I guess. It's one of those things that's hard to explain.

And I've never been good at feelings
(I guess if sarcasm is a feeling then-
yay me!) so describing them is a challenge.

I'm not sure I'll ever figure out how to express myself the way Alex can but who gives a shit? I can one up him in a few things. Take common sense for example.

Alex isn't an idiot, no, but he..Erm how do I word this without sounding like an asshole?

Ah yes, he has many idiotic moments. That doesn't make him stupid, but there's moments.

Lots of moments.

But that's okay, because I have..quite a few as well. Though most of those moments are after I met Alex and I'm not sure if that's a variable but uh..
who gives a shit.

"I'm going to fucking sneeze- and John if you fuck up my sneeze I'll slap you," Alex said, holding his hand near his nose.

I snickered muttering,
"Bless you."

He sniffled and glared at me.
"You bitch," Alex hissed.

I smirked, looking away from him.

"How cute," Jacob muttered.
"The hell you say?" I asked him.

"Nothing, Nothing. Just taking note of the merciless flirting," He hummed.

"What? You're an idiot Jacob." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Yeah and you're oblivious apparently." He said.

I'm not oblivious,
I'm in a thing called a closet.

Gotta say, I've almost outed myself to a few people by telling jokes. I'm out to Alex, and a few of my close friends.
Yes, Alex gets his own category. I don't know what he is to me right now so he gets his own category.

And then there's Francis, Will and Dylan who also know...

"You don't see it? Whatever man. I'm just sayin'..Alex looks at you strange." Jacob shrugged.

Believe me, I know.

Alex furrowed his eyebrows and flipped off Jacob.

"You see that's where you're wrong. I look at everyone strange except John. He's the only one who seems to understand half the things I say and isn't a dumbass." Alex said, rolling his eyes.

"I understood what you said right then." Jacob said.

"God, Give it up Jake, you're an idiot," Mark said.

Jacob said turning to Mark.

I looked to Alex and sighed.
"You're the only one I can fucking tolerate," I said, wiping my eyes.

"Likewise," He hummed.
"You're a furry." I said.

He gasped.
"I am not a furry you mansnake mother fuck stick." Alex said.

I snickered.
"Ya beat me there. Mansnake mother fuck stick. That's a good one. What happened to thot goblin?" I asked.

"In a world of thot goblins, be a mansnake mother fuck stick."
Alex said.

I chuckled, nodding.
"Got it."


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