Chapter Six

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^This is true.

John Pov
I heard shouting in the living room. Of fucking course. I groaned, wiping my eyes and stumbling out of bed. I opened my door and saw a guy yelling at Alex. Alex seemed to be having a hard time focusing.

"Ay, keep it down would ya? I'm trying to sleep in here and y'all are making noise. If you're gonna fuck do it at your place mate," I said.

Alex glared at me.
He glanced at nothing and then back to the guy, a sneer on his face.

The guy grabbed Alex's collar, bringing Alex on his top toes despite Alex being 5"7.

"We're not done asshole." He growled.

The man let go of Alex, causing him to stumble back a bit, and stormed out of our dorm.

"You gonna explain yourself or not?"
I asked, leaning on my doorframe.

Alex ran a shaky hand through his hair. "H-holy shit," Alex whispered, his eyes wide.

I asked becoming a little more concerned.

"Did you see that guy? He's a fucking giant compared to..literally anyone! I..I can't fight him John!" Alex exclaimed.

"Maybe next time don't talk shit about him." I suggested, not knowing what Alex did but I took a shot in the dark.

Well. It wasn't that much a shot in the dark. Alex is a dickwad...
Alex and I are quite similar.

"That's the only thing I'm good at John! I trash talk people and when they confront me, I talk more shit. It's what I'm capable of. That, I can't..I can't do that!" Alex said, starting to pace.

"What'd you say about him?"
I asked.

Alex stopped for a second and grimaced.

"So, so many things."
He whispered.

"Why would you go off and do that?"
I muttered, shaking my head.

He sat down at the couch his head in his hands.

"..I don't want to end up in the hospital. I can't pay the bills for that shit," Alex said quietly.

I would've laughed about the fact he was more concerned about him being broke then getting his face bashed in but then I remembered, he really can't pay for that.

He's nearing the end of the scholarship he's on and he still pays half for the dorm on his own. Going to the hospital now would not be helping.

I sighed and sat down next to him, both of us ignoring the fact I was half naked and in my boxers.

I wrapped an arm around his shoulders and he sighed, furrowing his eyebrows.

"I really, really don't want to fight that guy." He said quietly.

"Then don't,"
I shrugged.

"He knows where I live John. I can't just..forget about it or whatever,"
He told me.

"Is he older than you?" I asked.

He shrugged.
"I think he's like twenty six. Why?" Alex asked.

"Just asking." I said, taking note that this guy was four years older than Alex.

"Maybe you're right. I just..won't show up. Lock all the doors and windows. Cry myself to sleep every night for the next few months." Alex said.

"If you cry yourself to sleep too loudly I will flip a table Alex." I said sternly.

He snickered, rolling his eyes.
"Fuck off Laurens." He muttered.

"Gladly Hamilton." I said, standing up and walking to my room.

"Wait, Wait no."
Alex said.

I raised an eyebrow and turned around. "What?" I asked.

He bit his lip, looking down.
"Never mind."

"You really should stop getting people to fight you on impulse." I said.

"I know, I know. I can't help it. I'm an asshole." He told me.

"Don't need to say that twice,"
I muttered, speaking for quite a few people.

"Yo, I'm gonna put on a shirt and then we can.." I trailed off realizing I didn't know what he wanted to do.

"..Could we like.."
He averted his eyes and muttered, "Talk?"

"Yeah, no way in hell bud. But you can vent to me if you want," I shrugged.

"Still bad at feelings Laur?" He asked.

"Mhm. Extremely,"
I hummed, going into my room.

He nodded a bit, still looking dazed and a bit concerned after his encounter with the guy that very rudely interrupted my sleep. I fucking hit my head while I woke up which hurt like fuck so that bitch is on my hit list.

Also the corner of my desk is on said hit list because that's what I hit my head on.

My desk is too big for my room and I'm too lazy to get rid of it so I kept it there and so the edge of it is over a small bit of my bed. I thought based on the statistics that out of all probabilities of my sleeping positions it would be a rarity in which I hit my head.

I was wrong.

How the fuck was I wrong?
I'm a smart ass, I'm hardly wrong.
But then again, here I am.

I pulled on a shirt and pulled up my pants, and grabbed my belt in case Alex wanted to go somewhere instead talk about his 'feelings' and shit.

Not that he doesn't have emotions/feelings we just..aren't the people who verbally describe those things.

Especially not me.
Damn, I would have to be held at fucking gun point to admit my feelings for people. And myself to be honest.

That was slightly more depressing than I thought it would be but..
not gonna dwell on that.

I walked back into our living room and Alex said, "You know how you never know where I am and shit?"

"..yeah?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows. He clicked his tongue, muttering, "Follow me."

This bitch.

I grabbed my shoes and hopped a little bit as I put them on and followed him. This bitch better not try to kill me because we both know I'd fucking win.

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