Chapter Thirty Nine

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John Pov
We did end up talking about it. I think it was really for the best that we talked. It was honestly just a lot of back and forth apologies. So, that helps, I guess. I'm not angry with him anymore. Maybe I wasn't that angry in the first place. Just keyed up from being in South Carolina, near my father, then telling my brother about things.

It's just a lot. I can trust James to not say anything to father. He's trustworthy like that. A really good kid. But if Martha knows, Harry probably knows. I'm not sure how I feel about them knowing.

And as for Mary? What does it matter, she's just a little kid.

"It's too cold out, I'm going to get sick. I always get sick in the winter. Who needs snow? I don't need snow. The Virgin Islands did perfectly fine without snow. And besides, snow gets dirt and shit in it, and we throw that at each other. How weird is that? Hey kids, want to go throw some dirty snow at each other? Yeah, no thanks. Snow is cold, it gets everywhere- in all those uncomfortable crevices, just like sand. It's literally just cold sand. And going back to the dirt thing, it looks gross when it gets all dirty. It turns into like..brown slush. And it's gross." Alexander ranted, coming into the dorm from class. He took off his scarf and boots, managing to walk at the same time.

"I like the snow. But not when it's dirty, you're right, that's gross." I said, sitting on the couch.

"Yeah. Anyway. Are you hungry, we could go out later? I also cleaned out the fridge and stuff so it looks pretty neat—"

"Alexander." I said, looking back at him before he could go on a tangent. "I know. Thank you. Also, I'm not mad at you. You don't have to make it up to me that my sister knows. You're probably right anyway, she's pretty nosy sometimes. Bet she might've just picked it up from when I was in high school or something." I said, hoping the internal wince didn't show on my face.

Alexander didn't seem to notice the wince, so that was a little relieving.

"Yeah. Probably. Still though. I feel bad for being a dick on the train." He said, sitting down next to me.

"I was a dick too. Let's not do the back and forth apologizing again, it gets old after a while." I told him.

"...yeah..that's true. I just- yeah. I'm glad you're not mad at me. I'm not mad at you either. It's nice we have a mutual understanding of how not mad we are." He said, giving an awkward smile.

"Hah, yeah." I said, more distant and breathily than I meant it to sound.

"I uh...wasn't messing around about that me getting sick thing." Alexander said, starting to pick up his previous pace of speaking.

"Yeah?" I prompted.

"Yeah, I already feel congested."


"Yeah, ew is right. I think I might go pick up cold medicine later. I really hope I don't get a fever whilst having a cold. That shit sucks. You could come with me to the store if you wanted to. I'm pretty sure you left your toothbrush at your dad's house." Alexander told me.

I made a face without thinking about it. "And you're just telling me this now?"

"Well, yeah, we were upset, 'member? It's not like I could've stopped us kid argument and told you to head to the bathroom real quick and grab your toothbrush before we got on the train and argued some more." Alexander said.

"You really could've." I said.

"I would've gone with you even if I didn't need a toothbrush, y'know."

"I know, but still. Now we can both get things and feel relevant when heading to CVS. Sound cool?" Alexander asked.

I gave a noncommittal shrug. "Did I leave anything else?"

"Maybe a pair of sucks or something. I don't remember. Bandaids?" Alexander suggested.

"I didn't even bring bandaids, Alexander." I was like.

"Oh. Well. Just thought maybe you might've." Alexander shrugged, cracking his knuckles.

"That's- why would I-...Whatever. I'll go with you."

• • •

We walked to a CVS together later that night. Alexander was a little out of it, but I think it's because he really was telling the truth when he said he wasn't feeling too well.

"Alright, here's the game plan, I'm getting cold medicine, you're getting a toothbrush, then we'll walk to the dorm and then I'll take a shower to wash off my gross," Alexander said as we walked in.

I snorted and nodded. We parted ways for a moment, sticking to the plan. It was faster if we split up anyway. We bet back up at the cash register, paying for our stuff. Then we went out again, me holding the bag with one hand and holding Alex's hand with my other one.

It was a weird feeling. We've done this before. Late night shopping at a CVS. I'm pretty sure the cashier even recognized us, and that's kinda cool when you think about it.

Alexander sniffled a little, wiping his nose then pausing a little, looking up at me with a smirk dancing on his lips.

"If you wipe that on me, I swear.." I said, already trying to pull away but struggling since our gloves were kind of clumped together as we held hands.

"It's already happening,"

"Goddamnit, Alexander!"

• • •
A/N: Hi, yes, hello it's me. I remembered the plot for this! Hoorah. Anyway, after like..five months of not posting, I'm updating stuff again. Check out the latest book called '1-800-Idiot' and the other book, 'Boys of Blood'. Thanks for sticking with me even when I went on a big ass break!

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