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David sat on the ground, I soon accompanied him by sitting down beside. A fire sparked in front of us, the smell of the burning logs were smoothing, along with the sound of the waves from the lake beside us. Nikki sat next to me, pushing a marshmallow onto a stick she found in a random bush. Max sat next to David, then there was Neil, Space kid, and Gwen. 

"How the fuck do you guys have money for smores but yet every bit of ice cream we get is expired?" Max asked I looked toward Gwen, raising a brow. 

"You give kids expired ice cream?" I asked. 

"It's not bad once you get used to it!" Nikki smiled. 

"It's being sick that you're supposed to be worried about Nikki, not the flavor of the cold treat that you're eating," Niel mumbled. 

"Since when is the ice cream here cold?" Max sassed. 

"You know what I meant." 

"How about we share scary stories?" Space kid asked. Max shrugged, 

"I'll go first, once upon a time, I came to this godforsaken hellhole. The end." 

"That's the scariest story I've ever heard," I mumbled. Max smiled, 

"Thank you, wrote it myself." 

"I have one!" Gwen smirked. 

"If it's about Vampires-! So help me God I will throw you into that goddamn pond!" Max yelled. 

"...Well... It could've been about werewolves!" Gwen defended.

"Language, Child," I mumbled, giving Max the side eye.

I took the stick from Nikki since she was finished with her smores and used it to poke at the fire. I pulled my knees to my chest and rested my chin on them, watching the red and black ashes on the wood. 

"I have one..." David smiled. 

"Is going to be about the dog and putting away our Laundry again?" Niel asked. David's smile faltered, 

"N-No!" He stuttered. I looked at David, giving him a questioning look, 

"You told a ghost story that was meant to convince them to put away their laundry?" I asked. His face flushed to a soft pink as he looked away,

"I thought it was a good story." He mumbled. "B-But I have a better one!" 

"Oh boy..." Max grumbled. 

"Go ahead! I wanna hear!" Space kid smiled. 

"The last man on Earth sat in a room... But then... The door opened." David smiled. 

"Woah! Maybe a ghost opened it?!" Nikki grinned, Niel shrugged, 

"There might've been a window, the wind from outside could've pulled the door open." 

"Stop ruining stuff!" Nikki glared. 

The strong breeze then decided to stroll by the fire, causing its flames to graze over my skin. I dropped the stick and quickly retreated my hand with a hiss,

"Ow, fuck," I mumbled. Examining the now present burn on my fingers, 

"Hey! ... Language." Max glared, a teasing trait in his eyes. I stuck my tongue out at him, keeping a tight grip on my burn. 

"Ah! Are you okay?!" David asked. I nodded, 

"I'm fine-" 

"Here... Let me have a look." David said, gently wrapping his fingers around my wrist. I let him pull my hand out so he could examine it. "We have some burn ointment in the Counselor bathroom-" 

"You guys have your own bathroom-?"

"That should help this..." David smiled. 

"T-Thank you." I smiled. Our eyes stayed locked for what seemed like forever, 

They're just so... Beautiful. A perfect shade of green with the fire's reflection off o them. He blinked, glancing down at my hand that he still held, 

"S-Sorry." He mumbled, letting my hand slip from his. I bit the inside of my cheek to stop from saying anything else, this is- was my first day here, I shouldn't embarrass myself already. Nikki's head then fell to my shoulder, a snore resonating from her. Gwen chuckled, 

"I'll take her to her tent." She chuckled. I gently scooped Nikki into my arms, 

"I'll take her." I smiled, walking away from the area. 

"I- uh- I'll go with you." David smiled a nice warm one. We both walked away from the fire, soon followed by the others who decided it was time to sleep as well. 

I tucked Nikki in, giving a small smile as drool leaked from the corner of her mouth. I gently took the blanket and wiped it away before leaving the tent, bending slightly to refrain from hitting my head on the fabric. 

The cabin door was wide open, telling me to enter. I stepped in, seeing Gwen already making the bed. I pulled off the bandanna, setting it on the desk to put back on in the morning. 

"Do you not have pajamas?" I asked. Gwen shrugged, 

"Haven't found a reason. Not like we're trying to impress anyone." She laughed. 

"I don't wanna sleep in my morning clothes." I chuckled. She turned to me, 

"Did you bring any other clothes?" She asked. 

"Well... My hoodie." I mumbled. "And the clothes I came here with." Gwen smiled, walking over to David's bed.

"You can wear David's clothing." She suggested. I felt my face heat up slightly, 

"I don't think he'd be okay with me stealing his clothing..." 

"It's okay! He doesn't care." Gwen grinned, pulling out a pair of David's knee-high shorts. I gently took the pair from her hands, looking at the size. 

He may be a toothpick, but I'm pretty sure I can fit in this. I pulled my shorts off and pulled his on. 

Holy shit these are comfortable! 

I pulled off the camp Campbell sweater and pulled on my hoodie before curling up into bed, pulling the hood up to block my face. 

"I'm going to sleep in a tent, I have a few shows I wanna binge." She smiled. "I don't wanna bother you while you're sleeping." 

"... Thank you." 

"No problem!" She smiled, leaving the cabin. I pulled the blanket up and snuggled my face into the pillow, hugging myself slightly. 

Time went by, I couldn't get myself to sleep. I stared at the ceiling, fiddling my thumbs as I listened to the leaves rustling. The door then opened, closing soon afterward. 

"So... Tired..." David mumbled, walking over to the bed. I felt like a creep, watching him walk to his bed. With my hood up, seeing him was easy without him knowing I was awake. David pulled off his vest, laying it on his desk before kicking off his shoes and laying on the bed, pulling the blanket over him.

"Samuel? Are you awake?" He asked. I stayed quiet, biting the inside of my cheek once again. He didn't say anything afterward, but the room then illuminated from the light of his phone's screen, as he swiped through it.

Seeing the content of the screen of his phone was nearly impossible, so I didn't bother to try and look.

He soon rolled over, his screen now facing me. I narrowed my eyes and watched as he moved an app to the trash can. I recognize that app skin... But where...? I thought more before concluding,

That he just uninstalled tinder.

(Word Count - 1180)


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