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I groaned when I awoke, grasping onto David in front of me. 

Day 10

46 days to go

"Good~ morning, Samuel!" He smiled, moving from my arms. I sat up, rubbing my eyes as I scanned the room. David was already dressed, seeming to have already brushed his teeth and everything. I stood, my legs slightly wobbly, causing me to sit back down. 

I wanted to ask how it went with Nurf, but my mind nagged me about talking to David. I bit the inside of my cheek, wanting to limit the number of words I said to the man. 

"You... Uh... You're a heavy sleeper." David chuckled. I hummed in response, grabbing clothes to change into once David left the cabin. David walked to me, leaning down and pressing his hands on the bed, one on each side of my waist. "You... Look cute in my clothes." He commented. I turned away from his gaze, so badly wanting to flirt back. 

He cocked his head slightly, "Samuel? Is... Something wrong?" He asked. I gently pushed my hands against his chest.

"Get out," I mumbled. 

"... What?" 

"I need to change."

"Oh! Right!" He chuckled, stepping away from me. "Today's the Annual Lake Lilac Camporee! So, uh, wear something comfortable!" He smiled before leaving the cabin. 

I sighed before quickly changing to my normal attire and leaving the cabin. There stood Cameron Campbell with David, Gwen, the flowerscouts and the wood scouts. I sighed once again, looking at the smiling David. 

I should take this time to get info on Cameron

And I can take this time to find his secret area since everyone will be so busy. I leaned against the cabin and watched their explanation of the competitions. I then sat underneath a tree as I watched the events that played out. 

So Cameron has a serious gambling problem, going to giving away his campers to another camp for popcorn money. 

Posture and proper walking form



Love cards

Ribbon dancing

"And that's the end of round five!" Cameron announced

Campbell was far behind the others, Gwen and David already becoming extremely nervous. 

Rowing race




Rock climbing

"SON OF A BITCH" Gwen screamed, standing by the campers scores. 

Create a stable batch of Nitroglycerin


Motorcycle repair

Destroy the one ring of power

Cross-species communication

We then took the lead as a wolf chased the other campers around the area. I let out a nervous breath, glad that I didn't have to work for the wood scouts. 

"Well, I think we all learned a valuable lesson today!" David smiled. 

"Don't ever work together!" Nikki cheered. I chuckled at her answer. 

"Uh, no." 

"Yeah! Things really seemed to turn around when we just did our own thing!" Niel agreed. 

"But guys that's a really narrow-minded way of looking at things-" 

"David, no one cares!" Max complained, dropping the trophy before walking away. I stood and walked to the cabin, soon hearing the footsteps of either camper head to their tents. I stepped into the cabin, kicking off my shoes and feeling like this day was a waste of time. 

That's odd... I've been happy every day I've been here so far...

I laid down and closed my eyes, feeling sleep pull me in. 


When I awoke, the room was lit by David's lantern. I sat up, watching as he stared at his memory board. He reached back and untied his yellow shirt, displaying it in front of him before sighing, 

"I just don't get it..." He muttered to himself. "I loved summer camp as a kid..." He tied his shirt back around his neck, "What changed?" His eyes scanned his board again before he gasped, "that's it! The sparrow~" he smiled before getting up, placing his board back on the wall. He then turned to me, 

"Oh... I'm sorry... Did I wake you?" He asked. I shook my head, looking down the ground. "Um... You haven't said much today, nor yesterday... Is everything okay?" He asked. 

"Yeah," I answered, rubbing the back of my neck. "I'm fine." I finished, hoping to end the conversation as I laid back down to sleep. I looked back at David, now noting the scratches on his facial area.

"David..." I started. He dimmed his lantern, turning to me. 

"Yeah?", He asked. 

"What happened to your eye?" I asked. David nervously chuckled, 

"Just... Don't worry about it, Samuel." He smiled. "I'm okay, you should sleep. We've got a big day tomorrow!" He finished before climbing into his bed. I was close to debate but I bit my cheek... I really needed to stop myself from talking to him. 

(Word count - 782)

(Holy fuck this chapter is short.)

(Next one with being longer, promise)

(Written on Wed, Aug 8th)

Is ignoring David the smartest choice?

I Can Make You Smile (David x Reader)// CAMP CAMP (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now