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(I felt bad for the last one being so short so I'm posting two chapters today lmao)

Day 11

45 days to go

I pulled on my shoe before tying it and standing from my bed. David walked to me, handing me a container of black paint. 

"What?" I asked. 

"Here." He smiled before dipping two fingers into the smooth paint. He then gently swiped them on my cheek, before repeating the action on the other. I felt them rise in temperature at the action. It was just painting but I found it kind. He then helped put on a band with a feather attached to it. 

"So what exactly is this?" I asked. He smiled,

"Today we celebrate the staff!" He smiled.

"The what?" I asked. 

"I'll explain more when we get to the campers!" He explained before pulling his shirt off. My eyes trailed his skinny form, boney but yet healthy, and even a tint of muscle laced in his skin. My eyes lingered on... his collarbone mostly. I had to resist almost every muscle to reach out and touch him. He put on a feathery Indian hat (idk if this has a name or not) before doing the same to his cheeks as me.

He then picked up a staff and walked out to the campground, where the other campers were already standing. 

"Why the hell are we up so early?" Max asked. The quartermaster then shot a flaming arrow into the fire pit, 

"Camp Campbell campers!" He announced, doing a dramatic pose with a fist on his chest. I couldn't help but giggle at the sight, "Hau." 

"Why?" Max asked, holding the bridge of his nose.

"I am sure you must be wondering who we are, but have no fear. I-"

"David, what the fuck are you doing?" 

"I am not David! ... Though... If he were here he'd tell you to mind your language. I am chief Squatting Bear." David smiled. Space kid stepped forward, 

"Oohhh that's awesome!" He smiled. Niel pushed him forward, causing him to grunt. 

"Samuel, why is David dressed like a turkey?" Nikki asked. 

"Nikki-" I started

"Because he's fucking David, Nikki," Gwen answered for me. "You've been here long enough to figure that out." 

"Gwen! Don't break character!"

"I was never given a character," I commented. 

"And I'm not a turkey. I'm an Indian chief." David corrected. My eyes trailed down to his chest again, not paying much attention to what he was saying. 

"Like Max?" Niel questioned. 

"What? Uh- no! Like the Cherokees! You know, WOWOWOWKWKWOWL!" he yelled. I facepalmed, popping out a hip. 

"Wow~ that's racist." Max defended. 

"Seriously. Are you offended?" Niel asked. Quartermaster shot once again, landing in front of Nikki's shoes. 

"Silence!" He yelled. "Do your thing." 

"Uh... Right." David said, stabbing the dirt with the staff. "We represent the Order of the Sparrow. A secret society that gathers only to honor the most worthy of campers." 

"So then what are you doing here?" Nikki asked. David sighed, facepalming in the process.

"Look, guys, the orders been around since I was a camper. It's a huge honor! And it's really cool!" David explained. 

"I'll believe that when I see it." Max sassed. 

"Oh, you will, Max because Today you will all be given the chance to prove your worth!" 

"Do we have to?" Harrison whined. 

"No, but- WAIT! Nevermind! It's mandatory!" David yelled, attempting to keep the kids in the area. They all sighed in reply, "but, those of you who are accepted into the Order will receive the ultimate prize."

"Huh? There's a prize?" Nikki asked. 

"What is it?" Niel asked. 

"Tell us now, Turkey-man!" Dolph ordered. 

"Yeah. Wait what prize?" Gwen asked. David quickly stepped to her, 

"All will be revealed at the setting of the sun, sister Gwen." He smiled, gently patting her cheek. "So! Shall we begin?" 

"Yeah!" The campers yelled before running to do their own thing. The quartermaster put up a sign, saying the rules. 

"This is stupid," Max grumbled. I gently placed my hand on his shoulder, 

"It's not that bad, Max. Just lighten up a little." I encouraged. Max rolled his eyes in response. 

"Seriously. 'do good every day?' that's just bad grammar." Niel complained. 

"I think it's ''do good' like a superhero.", Nikki smiled. 

"That's the way to look at it." I encouraged. 

"I could be the hero this camp deserves," Dolph commented. 

"I can be nice! I'm the nicest!" Preston yelled. David then jumped back into the group, 

"Great! Because you all have until sundown to convince me." He smiled. My eyes trailed down to his stomach again. Nikki blocked my view by jumping on David, grabbing onto his previous camp Campbell t-shirt, 

"David! You know me! You know I love nature! You know if I could I would have BABIES with nature!" She yelled, shaking the poor man. His eyes widened, trying to keep his face away from the energetic girl. "So do I get my prize now?" 

"Calm down, Nikki" 

I gently grabbed Nikki and pulled her off David, for Nurf to pop up next. 

"So can my prize be cigarettes?" He asked. David crawled back, bumping into Gwen's boot. 

"You sure this will work?" She asked. 

"Uh... Yes!" He said, seeming to be questioning it himself. 


I walked to the bathroom cabins before using the sink to wipe off the paint on my cheeks, I looked up through the mirror to see David standing with his normal clothes on behind me,

"You haven't said much to me lately... Are you sure everything is okay?" He asked. I turned around to face him, forcing a small smile, 

"Yea, I'm sure!" I grinned. He paused, grabbing a washcloth and wiping his cheeks, 

"Um, wanna go to the docks? We haven't hung out together since... We went into town." David asked. I bit my lip, thinking of my choices. 

Saying yes might get me closer to David, might cause another moment or him saying something stupidly cute. 

Saying no will obviously show that's something wrong with me, and he'll never stop questioning. 

(Word count - 1017) 

(This is pretty much just a piece of an episode with Samuel thrown in random places) 

(Written on Wed, Aug 8th)

Go with David? You'll never have a chance of distancing you and him if you keep getting closer...

Don't go with David? The rest of your summer will just be avoiding the man...

But that's your current goal anyway :))

I Can Make You Smile (David x Reader)// CAMP CAMP (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now