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The two family members sat on the blanket surrounded by food, feeding each other with googly eyes. 

"I and David don't look like that, right?" I questioned. Gwen crossed her arms, 

"Don't worry, you do." 

My stomach dropped slightly. 

"Guys, I know we've done some fucked-up things before, but I think this takes the fucked-up cake," Max said, his eyes not moving from the two.

"Yeah, I was all about this at first, but it has gone WAY too far. Can it just go back to being Wednesday? I miss Wednesday." Gwen said, sadly looking away. Max looked away and covered his eyes as David looked at the two. His frown slowly turning upside down, 

"Guys, ya know what? Maybe we're missing something." 

"I'm intentionally averting my eyes to try and miss as much of this as possible, yes." Max sassed. 

"Not that. Well, that too... No, I'm talking about the fact that this is Quartermaster Appreciation Day. He does so much for us to keep this camp functioning and well, if this is what makes him happy, then goshdarnit I support it." 

"Are you seriously telling me that you support that?!" Max questioned. 

"Yes," David answered with uncertainty. I rose a brow, 

"David, hun."

 A slurping noise then came from behind him from the two, "Tasty." QS teased. 

"Nope, nevermind. Can't do it. It's just... GOSH, it's just wrong." 

QM then joined the group, holding hooks with QS, "I got good news." 

David turned to him, "You've started regretting recent life choices?" David asked. 

"We're getting hitched." QM smiled. The group backed up ever so slightly. 

"I'm gonna hitch you~!"

Space kid walked away. Same space kid. 

"Woah now, you're getting married?!" David asked, placing his hands on his head, 

"Yep. And it's all thanks to you! Red knees~" QS grinned. I gently grabbed David and moved him from her. 

Bitch if you don't back the fuck up- 

"Is this even legal?" Max questioned. 

Harrison, Nikki, and Niel stood with the presents, their faces filled with shock. 

"What's all this biz?" QM questioned. Niel examined the gifts himself, 

"Uh, at this points I guess... Wedding gifts?" 

"You got me my favorite kind of puzzle. I feel so... Appreciated." QM said, looking up with a tear in his eye. I smiled softly, hey, we did it. My smile dropped at the next action of QS.

"That's- great! Second idea! How about you two really take a little bit of time to really think about this? Separately. Really far apart." David said, furrowing his brows slightly. 

"What has been set in motion cannot be stopped. Even if we wanted to." 

"Which we do not."

Preston clapped his hands together, "Awww!" He grinned. All the other campers looked at him with confusion. David stood there speechless, 

"I... I... I... No..." He said with a defeated expression. I gently grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze. He smiled at me slightly and then looked back at the two. "I... Can't... This- this is-... No." He said. 

 "I'm gonna feel like a new man." 

"Me too!" 

They jumped into each other's arms, kicked the door in and left the scene into the mess hall. The mess hall then burst into a ball of flames. 

"Oh, right. The fire." Niel said. 

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that," Nikki added, starting at the flames with wide eyes. 

"Should we- do- something?" David asked. 

"Call someone? 911?" I asked. 

"I'd like to think the universe already is." Max smiled.

The cabin then exploded, leaving a singular old man standing in the center of the ashes.  Gwen ran in, "What the hell just happened?!" 

I and David ran to the two, "how are you not hurt?! Are you even okay?!" I asked.

"And where's your quarter sister?" David question. "Is she okay?"

"She is where she's meant to be." 

"So, is she like... Dead?" Max asked. 

"Maybe. Or maybe she's more alive than ever before. Two down, one to go. I'm gonna win that tontine, tell you what." QM said as he walked away. 

"What the fuck is with that guy?! He's such a fucking weirdo! Like, were we supposed to learn something from all of that?!" Max yelled. 

"Yeah. Don't mess with fucking family! Unless you want a fucking-family." Niel said, directing his words right at David before he walked away with Gwen and Nikki. Max shrugged, 

"I kinda hope she's dead." Max said before walking off. 

"Man, its gonna take a long time for the mess hall to get fixed." I said to David before leaving. I ran a hand through my hair, entering the cabin. I pushed the chairs back to how they were and cleaned up the cabin since the little meeting. 

Poor QM. 


I twisted some vines together and picked a bunch of flowers, keeping the flowers on the desk, I kicked my feet up and started slowly adding them to the vine crown. David finally came in, a few scratches on him. 

"David, the mess hall blew up 4 hours ago and you managed to get hurt already?" I asked. David nervously chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck, 

"I tried to start up a lesson to rid of the days' events from the camper's mind, but ended up becoming a ramp in extreme sports camp." He laughed. I gave a sympathetic smile, 

"Why don't you go to sleep early. You need it."

David opened his mouth to debate but instead just kicked his shoes off and fell onto the bed. Half his face smashed into the pillow, 

"What are you making?" He asked. I smiled gently, 

"A nice little flower crown fro QM. Thought he'd either like it or destroy it. Or maybe just look at it weirdly since he still thinks I'm just a spy." I laughed gently. Once adding the last flower, I placed it on my head to test it. After moving a bit I realized it fit nicely and got up. 

David was already fast asleep, his body strewn across the mattress. I gave a small smitten smile before leaving the cabin and to the ashes of the mess hall. QM stood by his store, the remains of it at least. 

"Knock, knock." I smiled. QM turned, 

"What do you want?" He asked. I handed him the crown, 

"Not much, but uh, happy Quartermaster appreciation day." He took the crown and placed it over his hat. Without a thank you, he turned and began walking away, mumbling under his breath,

"I'll betray you last."

(1100 words) 

(Wed Jan 23rd 2019)

Flower crown or flower ring?


an annuity shared by subscribers to a loan or common fund, the shares increasing as subscribers die until the last survivor enjoys the whole income.

a scheme for life insurance in which the beneficiaries are those who survive and maintain a policy to the end of a given period.

*Battle Royal where everyone adds money after someone dies I think 

I Can Make You Smile (David x Reader)// CAMP CAMP (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now