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Daniel snapped his fingers, my body instantly walked to him without my according. Daniel wrapped an arm around my waist, examining the campers. 

"Well, all I see are happy faces!" David smiled before his eyes went to me. When they did, his smile faltered at the sight, but he then quickly brushed it off as nothing, putting out a bright smile. "Great work Daniel!" 

"Aw, shucks. Thanks, David!" Daniel grinned, pulling me even closer. Davids' eyes glanced at Daniel's hand on my waist, his eyes seeming to narrow slightly. "Aaaall right kids, let's start pouring that punch!" Daniel grinned.

No! Stop! Don't kids! 

I couldn't bring myself to punch Daniel as much as I wanted to, but instead, I followed with the children to the rat poisoned kool-aid. The kids cheered, following behind Daniel.

"David, you're right. I've been awfully mean today." Max apologized.

"Aw, it's okay Max. I know making new friends can sometimes be a little scary." 

"Well, it's just because... I was scared for you YOU!" 

"For me?" 

"I mean, it's just so OBVIOUS that Daniel's a better camp counselor than you." 

David nervously looked away, "what are you talking about?" 

"Just look at him! In one DAY, he's managed to get everyone happy and working together! Something you, Samuel nor Gwen could NEVER do! Speaking of Samuel, look how close they are, she may like Daniel more than you! Like- everyone LOVES Daniel!" 

My words poured without my permission, "We love you, Daniel!" 

"W-Well, that's good!" David grinned. 

Omg David! Get past your positivity for one fucking second! 

"Well, good for us, sure. But you? Once Cameron finds out that ONE camp counselor can do the job of THREE... He's DEFINITELY gonna let all three of you go. And Samuel is giving Daniel the googly eyes, maybe she and Cameron both will realize how much better Daniel is than you." Max finished.

David paused, his eyes darting around by he stopped, scratching his head, "I can't imagine a life without Camp Campbell! But, surely Daniel can't be THAT threatening! I mean, it's not like EVERYONE loves him. Right, Max?... Max?"

Max then walked out, a smile on his features, "I love you, Daniel." He grinned. David gasped, 

"But... That's not right. Max doesn't love ANYTHING!" David yelled. 

"So, David. Care to join us for a drink?" Daniel questioned. I reached for a cup but Daniel stopped me, placing the cup down, "none for you my dear." He whispered into my ear, sending a chill down my spine. 

David childishly walked over, causing me to want to giggle at his cuteness but couldn't express it. 

"Daniel. I-I'm actually afraid that... We need to let you go. I just don't think you're a good fit for Camp Campbell."

"Oh. I see. Well, it is... Unfortunate you feel that way, David." 

"Yeah, I'm afraid it's just not-" 

"HOWEVER, as far as I'm aware, I've successfully met every requirement listed in my job description. So, YOU don't actually have the legal right to terminate my employment. Unless, of course, you think there's an aspect of this job I've yet to uphold...?" 



"As a matter of fact, there IS. You make me a good camp counselor, Daniel... But what good is a camp counselor, without camp SONGS?" David asked, magically pulling a guitar out of nowhere. Daniel gasped, 

"Why, David..." He then pulled out a violin. "I thought you'd NEVER ask!" 

It was David turns to gasp as he hardened his features, strumming his guitar before his features softened to a warming smile. 

"I hope this won't sound impolite... Or come across as too forthright, But even though you seem alright, I... Think I'm better than you!" 

I mentally smiled at his singing, such a warmness to it. 


The ambulance then drives off, a poisoned Daniel in the back. David wrapped his arm around around my waist in a protective manner

"I'm better than him." He muttered, pulling me closer to him. He then turned to the kids, putting on a bright smile, 

"Poor guy. Must have been some bad fruit punch." 

"You're a moron." 

"Well, kids, I guess that's the last we'll be seeing of Daniel. From now on, it's just you, me, (Y/N), and... Gwen?" David asked, turning as the car pulled up to us.

"DAVID. Fire that FUCKING weirdo, because I found us our newest camp counselor!: Jen!" 

"I'm really into fashion and trashy magazines!" The copy of Gwen smiled. 

"Howdy, Jen." 


I kicked my feet up onto my desk, drawing into my notebook. 

"How'd it go?" I asked, hearing as the cabin door opened. I then heard David sigh, 

"Jen's gone." He let out a breathy chuckle,

"I can't believe we all could've died today." I said, shaking my head. "thanks for saving us, darling." 

"I can't believe how close you were to Daniel!" David yelled, completely ignoring the idea of the all the campers safety. I let my feet fall before pulling my chair up to my desk,

"Don't get mad at me, I couldn't control myself," I replied. I smirked, deciding to tease the man, "although, he really knows where to place his hands." 

Right then, a hand slammed into my desk, causing me to jump. David leaned over me, pressing his forearm on my notebook. 

I turned my head, becoming face to face with him, 

"I'm just joking." I chuckled before leaning and giving him a small kiss. "you're better than him." I grinned. David didn't seem so convinced my words. I bit my lip, thinking of something I could say to reassure him. 

"When was the last time you took a shower?" I questioned. David's eyes trailed to my notebook, 

"A week ago, why?" He asked. I slipped from his arms and walked to my bed, pulling out a clean pair of clothes before turning to him. 

"Um..." I felt my cheeks going 5 shades darker,

"Wanna take a shower?"

"Um. Sure I'll take one in a bit-" 



"I meant... Together..."

The room had an awkward silence before David's eyes trailed to me, 


(Word count -1012)

(Finished writing on Sun, Aug 12th)

It's not a smut :P

I Can Make You Smile (David x Reader)// CAMP CAMP (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now