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I quickly wiped my watery eyes, keeping my head low, as I sniffled,

"Yes?" I asked. 

"Are... Are you okay?" Asked the voice of Nerris. I turned to the short girl, her responding with a comforting brace-filled smile. I stood, grabbing my shoes in the action as I smiled at the wizard child, 

"Yes, I'm okay. Why aren't you in your tent resting?" I asked. The girl's smile widened, 

"I haven't seen you all day besides in the mess hall, so I took on a quest to search for you," Nerris replied. I gave the camper a smitten smile as I walked toward her,

"Thank you, Nerris. But you shouldn't be so worried about me." I chuckled, gently swiping my finger down the bridge of her nose. "Now, do you happen to have a spell that can teleport us to the camp?" I asked. She giggled, 

"No silly! I'd need a transporter device for that! Duh!" She yelled, her words making her arms extremely animated. 

"Okay~ then I have a quest for you~" I smiled. Her face lit up as she drew her wooden sword, 

"A quest?!" She shouted. 

"Yes..." I said, stuffing my socks into my boots. "The quest is... To not be the rotten egg!" I yelled, before taking off in a dash. Nerris instantly followed behind me and soon passing my position, letting me slow my pace. She arrived at the main cabin and rose her toy weapon, 

"Haha! You must run more- peasant!" She declared. I laughed, slightly out of breath, 

"You're not wrong about that." I breathed. "Now, brush your teeth then get to your tent." I smiled, standing up straight. I then gave an enthusiastic fist bump, "We'll have a big- but yet fun day tomorrow!" I smiled. Nerris smiled back, grabbing the edge of her cape and wrapping it around herself, 

"Till then! I shall seek shelter in my castle!" She yelled before running to her tent. I chuckled once again before turning to walk to the cabin, sometimes repeating a step from stepping on a sharp twig.

I carefully snuck into the counselor cabin, each step I took seemed to let out an ear piercing creak. I placed my boots besides my bed, a sigh escaping my lips as I turned to see David already asleep in his. I Changed into my night clothes, the same ones I wore last night before I pulled up the hood to cover my features then lay down. I turned off the lantern beside my bed before laying to stare at the ceiling. 

I cleared my throat, side-eyeing the bed on the other side of the room, 

"David?" I asked. There was some rustling before a reply, 

"Yes, Samuel?" He asked. 

"Good night." 

"... Good night."

The room was silent again, not even rustling trees were heard out the window. 

"I haven't seen you all day... I was starting to get a bit worried." David commented.

"I was just hanging around the pond..." I started, " Sorry, I didn't help with the kids or anything." I apologized. 

"It's okay... I would as well if my first day included getting tied to a flagpole for over 14 straight hours." He responded. I nodded into my pillow, 

"Yeah... Today was a pretty busy day..." I answered. My eyes flicked over to him, seeing him laying on his back with his eyes glued to the ceiling. "You're pretty calm. I didn't think that was an emotion you could experience." I chuckled. He chuckled as well, 

"Well, today's been a pretty busy day, I just... Need to be calm enough to sort some things out..." 

"What do you mean?" 

"... Oh, it's nothing to talk about. Just... My thing." 

I rose a brow at him even though he can't see it because of my hood. Deciding not to push, I closed my eyes and let sleep pull me in. 

The cabin was dark, stood in front of me was David, himself wearing my hoodie and his shorts, seem to be wearing nothing else. He stepped closer, causing me to step back, he continued walking until my back was pressed against the wall,

"D-David?" I stuttered. He said nothing, only placing a hand on my cheek. He then leaned in, gently pressing his lips against mine. 

Describing the feeling was impossible, his lips were soft and made mine feel fuzzy, but even with these feelings, it didn't actually feel like his lips were against mine. There was no warmth or passion,

He then pulled away, his lips trailing down to my neck, giving soft peaks,

"T-This isn't you..." I whispered, not accepting this sexual and dominant David over the innocent, naive one. 

His hands then swiftly grabbed my wrist, pinning them above my head before holding them with one hand, his other cupping my cheek, gently caressing my skin with his thumb. He smirked, 

"Well, you're not you either, are you... Samuel?" He asked. "Wait-? Would you rather me call you Samuel... Or (Y/N)?" 


"What? You didn't think I'd find out?" He let out a low chuckle, "Every lie will have its truth resurfaced, I know you were just waiting for the truth to be confessed. You know, You're about to turn in... Practically my father, my role model, someone close to me... How can I believe that our friendship is real? And how can I trust you...? After such an act that you put up for us..." He then leaned in again, giving a small kiss, "There's no way I can trust you anymore... You monster." 

"No-! I-! I'm sorry-!" 

​"Why should I forgive you?" 



"You... You shouldn't. I... I don't deserve to be forgiven." 

"That's right." He smirked. He clicked his tongue against his teeth, releasing my hands. "You should never be forgiven for what you've done. And all for your father?" He let out a laugh, "Too bad my summer one is now behind bars... Because of you..." 

"I'm sorry-! I don't have a choice-!"

"Don't have a choice?! Everyone has a choice, (Y/N)! You don't need to pick a choice! You need to pick a side!" 

​​​​​​I let my head fall, looking down at my feet as tears began to pour,

"I'm sorry..." 


"... I'm sorry... I'm so, so sorry..." 


(Word count - 1046)

Hug Niel or Hug space kid?

I Can Make You Smile (David x Reader)// CAMP CAMP (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now