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I jolted up, 

"I'm sorry!" I screamed, still feeling the effect of the dream. David crouched beside me, my hand in his with a worried look, 

"Sorry about what?" He asked. Without thinking, I instantly wrapped my arms around his neck, letting myself cry into his shoulder. He was still momentarily before he began to cautiously place his arms around my torso. I sniffled, burying my face deeper into his neck,

"I'm so sorry..." 

Day 3

53 days to go

Time went by before finally, I released myself from David, sitting up in my bed as I wiped my tears. David moved from his crouched position from the side to sit on the bed beside me. 

"What are you sorry for?" He asked. I wiped more tears away, letting out a chuckle,

"Nothing, it was just a nightmare... I got real life and my imagination mixed." I chuckled, forcing a small laugh. 


I gently grabbed his hand, wanting to have a happy attitude around him, I don't know, I just feel like I must be joyful around him. No matter what, I must always be happy... So David can be happy. I can't imagine seeing David upset, and for some reason, the idea upset me. 

"I'm fine, David." I smiled, I then changed it to a forced grin, "Now come on! We have some campers to wake up! Plus- isn't today the day that the camp critic community visits?!" I asked. David's eyes widened, 

"Gosh Darn it! I totally forgot!" He yelled, quickly leaping up to run to the door, I mentally took note that David doesn't change when he sleeps, not even take off his shoes. I quickly stood, 

"I'll join you in a bit!" I shouted. David turned, about to say something but stopped himself, 

"Are those my shorts?" He asked. I felt heat rise to my cheeks as I awkwardly chuckled, 

"Well- um- Gwen said you wouldn't mind-" I nervously mumbled. 

"Ah, I see! Well, keep those as long as you like! I have plenty of other pairs!" He smiled before leaving the cabin. I fell to the bed, covering my face with my hands, 

My cheeks flushed, thinking of the interactions between me and David in my nightmare, 

I've had plenty of nightmares in my life, mostly in the last year after... Susan... 

I shook my head again, riding any of the thoughts of that night, especially the repetitive 'You're a monster' that haunts. 

But now I have the idea of a sexual David that haunts. 

I placed my hand on my forehead, narrowing my eyes on the ceiling,

Maybe a sexual David wouldn't be a bad thing. 









I pushed a pillow on to my face and screamed into the fluff of feathers. 

Me and David in a romantic relationship? 

Why should I even think about that? 


"I'm so happy to have you here today!" Shouted David. I and Gwen quickly rushed into the cabin he was in with the three cloaked strangers. "It's such an honor to have the Camp Critic Committee visit us again!" David stopped, rubbing his arm with a nervous frown,

"You know, after last year's incident. Which I really want to apologize for that again, and if you were wondering, yes, that camper did survive, physically speaking." His tone then changed to cheer, "But, a lot has changed since then! And I think that this year you will see that I am truely, without a doubt, a prime candidate for the 'Camp Counselor of the Year Award'! 

The cloaked critics wrote down a few things before looking back up to David,

"Right~, well we've got a big day of outdoor activities planned, but as you know the most important start of any day is a balanced breakfast!" He smiled. I don't remember him eating breakfast this morning. Space kid poured some type of liquid into their helmet before popping it on, Nerris giving a slightly worried look. David pat his shoulder, a chuckle leaving his lips,

“Yep! We run a tight ship around here. But we also encourage freedom of expression!” David smiled. I looked to Gwen, finally noting that this would be a good time to interrupt,

“Um, David?” Gwen asked.

“Not now!” He whispered shouted. He then pointed to Gwen, “Sorry, this is one of our other counselors!”

“David~” I poked. He waved me off, turning to me slightly, “And this is another counselor, Samuel! Great gal!” He smiled, “They've got nothing to report!” He said, gently pressing his hand on my lower back and pushing me around so I faced the opposite way of the critics, an obvious notion to leave the room. “As always~. But our camp is really great- as always!” he nervously paused,

“Have a mentioned how great our camp is?” He asked.

“David!” I and Gwen said in unison.

“Have I mentioned how great our camp is?” David asked through gritted teeth, “Now! We always make sure our daily activities test the bodies and minds of all our campers! And today is no exception! Behold!” David smiled. I learned to Gwen,

“How did we afford that?” I asked. Gwen ignored my question and walked to David,

“Look, David-”

“What, Gwen?!” He asked, once again through gritted teeth. “I have gone through a lot of planning and preparation to make this day happen- what could you possibly tell me that I don't already know?!” David snapped. Gwen glared, pointing out of the window as rain clouds rushed in, already pouring down rain. Gwen pulled up her phone, showing the 100% chance of rainfall.

“It's about to rain.” She sassed before giving him the finger and leaving the room. I stood, watching David's hurt features.

“David-” I started, Gwen grabbed me before I could comfort him and pulled me out of the cabin into the falling water droplets.

We both escaped to the counselor cabin, sighing as we shut the door. I looked down at my now soaked clothing and sighed, shivering slightly.

“Can we call it a night?” I asked.

“It's 3 in the afternoon on a Wednesday.” She stated. “... So sure.” She chuckled. I happily fell on my bed, then regretting it with my wet clothing.

I changed into my hoodie and David's shorts. I rummaged through his clothing and pulled out one of his shirts, a blue one with a positive quote on it. His smell radiated off the shirt, causing me to love it even more.

I couldn't explain David's smell, like a sweet cologne in a way. I put it on underneath my hoodie, enjoying the idea of annoying David by stealing his clothing. Gwen put her phone on the charger before standing from her seat.

“I'm going to make sure David hasn't killed anyone. Are you coming with?” She asked. I shook my head, burying my face into the pillow,

“I'm going to take a nap,” I answered. She nodded,

“I'm not going to stop you. I'll make sure no one’s funeral is next week, be back in a bit!” She smiled.

“Night,” I mumbled.

(Word count - 1203)

(Finished writing on Sun, Aug 5th)

Hang out with Nerris or Harrison?

I Can Make You Smile (David x Reader)// CAMP CAMP (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now