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David stepped onto the stage, his bright smile shining to the crowd,

"Okay, Campers. Quiet down, everyone, please." David smiled. 

I gently nudged Harrison, causing him to stop talking to Nerris and Edin to turn away from the conversation. I look back up to David but the three began chattering again, 

"Please, the theater demands your utmost respect-" 

"SHUT YOUR YAPS, ITS TIME FOR THE PLAY!" Gwen yelled into the megaphone. Three stopped, looking up to the stage, 

"Ahem, thank you, Gwen." 

"DONT MENTION IT!" she smirked into the megaphone. David let out a nervous chuckle, rubbing his damaged ear in the process. He then turned to the crowd before smiling, 

"Tonight's presentation is brought to you by theater camps very own: Preston Goodplay!"

The three plus the quartermaster clapped weakly, not seeming to me very excited for the play. Preston stepped from the side, giving a bow,

"Thank you, thank you. It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to tonight's production. Written and directed, of course, by me. It is a classic tale of forbidden love, betrayal, and friendship." He smiled, talking with animated movements. "So without further ado, I present to you: Romeo and Juliet two: Love resurrected." He smiled, leaving the stage as

the curtains were drawn. A weak applause filled the air, 

I stepped backstage, wanting to watch the presentation but also wanting to make sure no one was about to be killed,

"This is absolutely humiliating," Max grumbled, pulling at his fake beard, 

"What a waste of time," Niel complained. I moved to lean on the wall behind them, not wanting to get in the way of their conversation. "I could be working on the flame-thrower right now." 

"I hate being Juliet!" Nikki complained, "I wanna be someone cool, like Xena or Rambo!" She smiled. 

"You nervous about you big kiss scene?" Max teased Niel. 

"Don't remind me! I'm already freaking out!" Niel yelled. 

"Y'know Juliet should've done karate instead of kissing boys. Maybe she wouldn't have died then." Nikki commented. I like her thinking, If I were Juliet, I wouldn't mind karate. 

"Has anyone seen my phone?" David asked, walking over to us. Nevermind, I'll go with kissing Romeo. "I must have dropped it while doing my smile exercises." 

"Don't admit to that..." Gwen mumbled. I chuckled under my breath at the thought of David doing smiling exercises every morning. 

"Cute..." I smiled. Max then pulled out a phone in front of us, a snicker escaping his lips, 

"Is that David's phone?" Nikki asked? 

"Pipe down, I'm checking him... oh my God, he as a tinder account." Max laughed. I thought he deleted that. 

"Tinder? What's that?" Nikki asked.

"Oh, it's that dating app for losers who can't meet people in real life," Max explained. Nikki pointed to the screen, 

"Ohh, yeah! My dad used that when my mom left him... Again." Nikki said. 

"Guys, you're just adding to my anxiety! If you don't return the phone, I'm going to have a panic attack, and that's on you!" Niel yelled. 

"Oh man, he's got like seven pictures on his profile. Tch, can you say desperate?" Max laughed. 

"Wizard! You're about to get your cue! I will not have you ruffians RUIN MY BIG DEBUT!" Preston yelled. He then looked to me, "You! Get out you're not a character!" He yelled. Max turned to me, 

"Shit! How long have you been standing there?!" He asked. 

"Long enough, hand me David's phone or at least get off his Tinder account.", I ordered. 

"What? Are you afraid that David will actually meet someone and never date you?" He snickered. 


"He's not going to make the first move! Get your shit together and just date him!" Max yelled. I felt my cheeks go at least three shades darker, 

"J-Just give me the phone Max!" I yelled. Max smirked, 

"I'll give you the phone if you confess your love for David!" Max yelled. I felt my knees buckle at the little man's deal. 

"... No." I muttered. "I-I don't have the feeling for David." 

I can't have feelings for David no matter what. I can pass by with friendship, but what happened last year will not happen again! 

"Then I guess you're not getting the phone," Max smirked before walking onto the stage. 

"You little shi-" 

"Eat a dick Samuel- or at least David's," Max smirked, leaving backstage. I quickly left the stage, and to the audience. With an attitude like that on Max, it's best that I don't push, and just let things do itself. David will get his phone eventually, and... He's not going to go out with any girls anyways. 

I huffed, crossing my legs on my seat as I watched their performance. 


"That's the end of act one! Intermission time!!" Preston smiled, "GO GET SOME SNACKS!" he yelled. I stood from my seat, stepping off the bleachers to see David, 

"Hey, Samuel?" He asked, grabbing my both of my biceps and pulling me to him. I felt my cheeks flush at our close proximity, "have you seen my phone?" He asked. His body heat caused me to freeze up, making me shake my head no. He then let go and walked toward the stage.

I held my head, jeez, why the hell can't I think around him? I was doing just fine last night! And the nights before! I watched as he continued to search the area, wanting to tell him Max has it but couldn't get any words to leave my mouth. I walked back to the bleachers and sat, waiting for the play to start back up again. 

I placed my hands on my temples, wanting to think some things through. 'He's not going to make the first move! Get your shit together and just date him!' I rubbed my temples, I can't date David.

I just can't, our relationship will get in the way of my investigation and one of the number one rules is to never become friends with the enemy... David is the 'son' of the enemy, and I'm the child of one of the highest labeled detectives/spies in the country. I pulled one knee to my chest, resting my forehead on it. 

"Fuck me," I mumbled. 

(1042 words) 

(Written on Mon Aug, 6th)

Would you snatch the phone from Max or persuade him? Or just let him be?

I Can Make You Smile (David x Reader)// CAMP CAMP (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now