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Day 18

38 days to go

It's been a week since that night that David snapped in the rain. Since then, I've avoided him even more, although I had a lot more respect for the man. I'd help here and there, whenever he was hurt or crying of course. But I'd never engage in small talk or approach him first. 

It was dark, close to 12 in the morning. And I haven't noticed David around the area since plant defining camp. I pulled up my book, kicking my legs up onto my newer desk that just came in yesterday. I read a few pages in the dark, the cabin only lit by my dim lantern beside me. I then heard soft 'ows' as David walked into the cabin. I side glanced him before going back to my book. I then looked again, being sure I wasn't seeing things. 

David stood there hunched over, covered in cactus spikes. I chuckled, covering my mouth with my hand.

"Do you need help?" I asked. Davids' eyes trailed down before he sighed, 


I gently grabbed his hand and lead him over to his bed before sitting him down. He winced slightly, probably sat on a spike but I'm not pulling one from down there. 

I wet a washcloth and then returned to David. 

I pulled out multiple spikes, setting them in a container beside him. After I pulled one out, I'd wipe over the spot with the washcloth as a way to clean it or at least put warmth there to distract from the pain. 

I saved his face for last, finished the other spikes and letting him get the spikes in certain uncomfortable areas. I pulled the one from his nose, wiping over it with the cloth. I then pulled two from his forehead, and then three from his cheeks. 

I set the cloth down before cupping both of his cheeks, purposely squishing his features. I giggled at the face I was squishing his cheeks to make, and the fact that David is just letting me. I then finished off by gently kissing his forehead, letting my lips linger on his skin instead of keeping it as a peck like I normally would. I stepped back, letting my hands fall from his cheeks. 

David then gently grabbed my wrist, placing my hands back to where they were, "Don't go." He said quickly, standing as he said, as if he did this without his own permission. 

He let go, only to cup one of my cheeks, using his other hand to loop his finger on the belt loop of my shorts, pulling me back to him, close enough that our waist just grazed each other. 

"Thank you." He smiled. "For everything." 

His eyes trailed down to my lips

At that moment, I wasn't sure what happened. 

David leaned in, pressing his lips against mine. I knew I needed to push him away, but I instantly melted into his kiss, wrapping my arms around his neck as he moved his other hand to my belt loop, pulling me even closer so my body was firmly pressed against his. 

I had to admit, this was much better than the dream. His lips were warm and soft, something I never could imagine no matter how hard I tried. He then pulled away, his eyes locking on mine. 

I wasn't sure what to say, but I knew my cheeks were on fire. I pulled him in, pressing my lips back onto his, already missing the contact. He licked my bottom lip, something that I definitely didn't expect from David. I gave access, letting his tongue slip in as he began to walk forward. Our lips fought momentarily, David starting to bite and nibble at my bottom lip as our lips battled. I pulled away, grasping my breath and panting. David was doing the same, laying his head on my shoulder. 

It was silent, except for our attempt to catch our breath. He then moved his arms around my waist, holding me tightly, I pushed my hand against his chest, pushing myself back,

"I-I can't do this, David."

"I... I don't care what you're job is!" He yelled. He took a calming breath, pulling me back to him before burying his nose in my neck. "I don't care if you don't like me and you're just caught up in this moment." David whispered. He then brought his head up, locking on to my eyes with his glossed over ones, "I... I think I love you. And I don't want to wait another moment with you turning your back to me! Because of your stupid fucking job!" David sniffled, wiping his eyes. "I just... " He buried in my neck again, pulling me fully against him.

"I just want you to be mine." He cried. "But I also want you to be happy, and I understand if being happy doesn't cope with being mine. Your happiness should be higher than my desires." David poured his heart out to me, causing mine to ache. I ran my hand through his hair, holding back the tears that fought.

"I want to be yours. I want to rid of my job." I answered, my voice cracking, already feeling as though I'll sob. David looked up, 

"Then please!" He yelled, before calming himself down and placing his head back on my shoulder, "Please quit or something. I... I can't take much longer of you turning away. All I want is to have you happy in my arms." He whispered. I tangled my hands in his hair, letting a tear fall down my cheek, 

"I'm a spy," I whispered. David looked up, locking eyes with mine. 

"What?" He asked. I bit my lip, looking away. 

"I'm a spy... My..." I started. Multiple tears fell, falling onto my shirt. He cupped my face, gently wiping away my tears as he gave a sympathetic expression. "I came here to find Cameron and turn him in, but each time he's here I put it off in fear of hurting you! B-But this entire time I've been lying about so many things! My name isn't Samuel! It's (Y/N) (Y/L/N)! I'm in a family chain of agents and spies! My mother hated this, so she left and my aunt died recently as she was the one who raised me because my father was so busy with his fucking job!" I cried.

I sobbed into David's chest, so happy to release all of this that I've kept behind bars. "I don't want to lose my relationship with you, David... I knew turning in Cameron you would hate me... But I don't want to lose my relationship with my father either! If I quit this job-! I'll lose the only piece of family I have!" I sobbed harder into his clothing, "I love you... I didn't want to lie... I'm sorry for pushing you away... Please... Please don't go." 

(Word count - 1099) 

(Written on Wed, Aug 8th)

Does David still trust you? You've lied to him for a while...

Will he believe everything you tell him...?

I Can Make You Smile (David x Reader)// CAMP CAMP (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now