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I pressed my back against the wall in the kitchen. 

Shit, (Y/N)... What have you yourself into? 

I slid down the wall before I reached the ground, pulling my knees to my chest. I buried my face into my arms, holding back the tears that were fighting their way out. 

I wish I was yours...

I can't be yours... 

I want to be yours...

My mind raced, so many wishes and wants, some desires that I would never dare to share and I doubt David would even comprehend. 

This stupid Job.

...Stupid David. I stood, looking out the kitchen window to see David and Max talking. 

His stupid cute fluff of bangs. 

His stupid adorable counselor outfit

His dumb bright smile. My eyes lingered on his lips, mentally wondering what they feel like. Chapped? Warm? Soft? 


I wiped my tears away and sniffled. The door opened and shut, causing me to look out the window to see that the two were gone. I stepped out of the kitchen, not actually putting away the first aid kit just in case. I sat down at my seat, looking down at my half-eaten sandwich. 

Crossing my arms over my head, I pressed my cheek against the table.

I need to stop flirting with David...

But I already miss the warmth of his hand... His chest... the protective feeling when his arms were around me... 

I groaned into the wood,

I have to avoid David, ignore him at all cost before I fall for him more. Maybe if I just find Cameron's secret area, and then leave, David won't notice I'm missing! Then I can make my father proud of another successful mission! Maybe he'll promote me to the office! Maybe my mother will come back! And they'll get back together! And maybe have a child so I can have a little sibling and finally have a family instead of it just being me and me, my Father and my Aunt! 

My mind raced with impossible and stupid wants.

"Ow!!! Don't touch it, Max!" David yelled, I quickly sat up, watching as David cried holding his non bandaged hand that dripped blood. I quickly grabbed the bandages from the box and ran up to the group two, Gwen now walking in the door. I instantly grabbed David's wrist, an electric spark went down my spine, causing me to pause, but quickly continue by David's cries.

"Man he is... Way more fucked up than I thought." Max remarked. 

"You two are idiots," Gwen commented. "Being tough isn't the same as being an asshole. You guys gotta take this from a more psychological approach."

"How would you know?" Max asked. 

"As a matter of fact, I dual-majored in psychology." She answered. I gently ripped the bandage and taped it. I then grabbed a tissue and began to carefully wipe his tears away, even with my brain resisting to making contact with David. 

"So you have TWO useless degrees?" Max asked. 

"... Yeah." She answered. I locked eyes with the man sitting on the table, one hand half cupping his cheek with the tissue. I couldn't get myself to look away, his green eyes were just... 

"Earth to David!" Max yelled. David blinked, looking away from me to look to Max, 

"What are you suggesting?" He asked as if he was engaged in the conversation the whole time. 

"Well, ~," Gwen smirked.


"Are you coming, Samuel?" Max asked as he watched two campers move an ugly, yellow and green striped chair under a tree and another long chair. 

"No, I'm going to my cabin." I mumbled before walking away. 

"Samuel!" Max hollered after me. I stopped, turning to the short boy. 

"If you're angry or something about what David said I just wanted to say... Give David a chance... I... You can't control love. And you know David, he can't control anything so obviously, his huge crush on you will go haywire! Um, don't tell anyone I said this or I will kill you in your sleep-! But-!... Please, don't hurt David." Max finished before turning to walk away. Joining Nurf, Gwen, and David. 

I bit the inside of my cheek, watching the curly haired boy join the others.

I can't hurt him if I don't talk to him... 

I turned back to the Cabin and stepped in. 

I changed into my night clothes, holding up David's shorts. I turned back to his dresser and pulled out a red shirt with just a smiley face on it before changing into it. I looked into the mirror, I'd have to say I looked nice in David's clothing. 

I sat down in Gwen chair, turning on a show eventually finding out it was happy tree friends. Halfway through the show I quickly changed the channel, too mortified to watch more. 

Throughout a documentary on invading species, I felt my head start to droop, having trouble staying up. I finally let my head fall as I felt myself drift off to sleep. 


Two arms scooped me out of the chair, their body heat ridding the goosebumps previously on my skin. They laid me on my bed before letting me slip from them, their heat instantly left, causing me to shiver. 

No... I want warmth... 

I grabbed the clothing of the person who laid me down. I expected them to just pull away from my grip, but instead, they gently moved me over before laying beside me. I buried my face into the person's chest, recognizing the smell as David. The smell of trees and dirt, but also a slight smell of something sweet like candy or a fruit. 

David's hand gently ran through my hair, brushing away strands of hair from my face. He moved back a bit as if he was examining my features. He then laid down his arm, staying still. I nudged my face against his chest, 

"I'm sorry..." I whispered, gripping onto the front of his shirt. 

"Shhhh." He whispered, gently tangling his bandaged fingers into my hair. "Sleep... I'm right here... I'm not going anywhere..." 

...I don't want you to go...

I need you to go...

I need you here forever...

And I need you gone. 

(Word count -1028)

(Written on Tue, Aug 7th.)

Should David adopt Max?

I Can Make You Smile (David x Reader)// CAMP CAMP (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now