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I stuffed my hands into my pockets, only for David to frown and slide his hand down my arm to hold my hand. I sighed with a smile before gently interlocking our fingers. 

we watched as the frisbee smacked Niel in the cheek, for it to then fly to Max who caught it with ease. QM blew the horn, causing the campers to cheer and the boy scouts to boo. 

"Curses! Foiled again! Our plan to use Africanized honeybees was supposed to be foolproof!" Pikeman yelled. I rolled my eyes, 

"Give it up before your super villain monologue becomes a 5 paged dairy entry-" I sassed before being cut off, 

"In your zit-covered face, Pikeman!" Max yelled, jumping with a pointing finger. 

"You incredulous pest! I will not rest until you all answer to the Wood scouts!" 

"Never gonna happen, losers!" Nikki yelled, joining in on the conversation. David let go of my hand so he can quickly run up to the trio, 

"Guys, guys, can't we all just be nice to one another?" David asked, bending down to one knee to be at least close to the children height. 

"Campbell campers being nice? Impossible!" Pikeman sassed. I placed a hand on my hip with a scoff, 

"You say that like you're better than us." I defended. 

"Of course I am! The only things you classless simpletons understand is mean-spirited sarcasm and snide remarks!" 

"I'll give you a snide remark..." Max... Remarked. 

"Now hold on just a minute. We can be nice!" David stepped in. 

"Please! Your lot couldn't be nice even if they tried!" Pikeman said, putting his back to the Campbell campers.  

"Oh, really? You wanna bet?" David challenged. I gently grabbed onto my BF's arm, 

"Okay, David, fun's over, let not turn into Cameron now-" 

"As a matter of fact, I do." Pikeman smirked 


"David, don't," Gwen said, moving past the campers.

"I'll bet you that Camp Campbell can't go 24 hours without being mean. If you lose, then you'll surrender your camp and campers to the Wood scouts." Pikeman explained. 

"Goddamn! Why is everything always for the fate of the camp?! We just played FRISBEE for the fate of the camp!!" Max complained 

"Fine, fine. If you lose, we'll simply take your best camper." Pikeman smiled. David narrowed his eyes, 

"And if we win?" He questioned. 

"We won't take your best camper." 

"That doesn't seem fair-" 

"Deal!" David shook Pikeman's hand. I facepalmed as everyone groaned, is my boyfriend stupid?


Yes he is

"David! You idiot-" Max yelled. 

"Play nice, remember?" Pikeman teased. Max groaned, easily showing that he was ready to throw hands at Pikeman. 

"Petrol! We're falling back to base. Remain here to observe the campers and blow this whistle if you witness any... Poor behavior." He threw the whistle up to him before going to an overly sophisticated stance. "Come, Snake! We've got an extra bunk to prepare for our new recruit!" He laughed easily as he walked away, and truthfully, I hoped he choke. Once out of sight Gwen glared, 

I Can Make You Smile (David x Reader)// CAMP CAMP (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now