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I stared at my phone's screen, the time that showed on the lock screen. I sighed,

2 am

Day 4

52 days to go

I nibbled on my thumbnail, going through multiple social media platforms. I sighed again, looking over at David's bed. He hasn't been back since I awoke from my nap- since he was in charge of giving reports to the critics.

The door then opened, revealing David with pink puffy eyes as he kicked off his shoes at the door. Okay, he took off his shoes, something is up.

He fell face first into his mattress, a groan following soon afterward. I stood from my bed, placing my phone on the mattress,

“David? Something wrong?” I asked. He looked over to me, sniffling as he looked back down.

“I've worked so hard for years to get the Camp counselor of the year… and yet, one of the campers got it.” He answered, his eyes tearing up.

“How could one of the campers get the reward?” I asked. He sat up, getting extremely close to my personal bubble… Now, I’m hoping he would burst it.

“I tried to improvise for the rained on obstacle course by letting one of the campers be a counselor for the day-! And make it reasonable! But then Niel went missing-”

“Niel is missing?!”

Was missing.” He corrected, “turns out he was in the attic, I tried to show everyone was okay but then they just gave him the award!” He cried, covering his eyes as the tears poured. The cabin was filled with the soft whimpers from the counselor in front of me and the patter of raindrops on the ceiling.


I smiled before gently grabbing David's hand, helping him stand from the bed,

“Samuel?” He asked. I smiled in reply,

“C'mon, I know how to cheer you up.” I grinned. I pulled him outside to the rain. We both stood in the downpour of droplets before I turned to him, “Mr. Counselor of the year~”

His smiled raised,

“May you dance with me?” I asked before turning to twirl in the rain. He laughed before gently grabbing my waist, twisting me and himself. We both laughed, ignoring the freezing cold water that fell on us, “Okay, Counselor of the year. That was your first challenge- next one… catch me if you can!” I giggled before leaving his arms and running toward the woods.

I heard his footsteps chase after me, his socks splashing into the mud. I ran into a Woody area, small giggles escaping my lips.


“Do you guys hear that?” Niel asked, turning to his hooded friend. Max shrugged in reply, turning to Nikki.

“Probably just another camp,” Max answered,

“I hear girly girl giggles.” Nikki observed, “C'mon! Let's go check it out!” Nikki yelled, chasing after the sound.

“Wait! Nikki! It's hard to see in the rain!” Niel yelled.

“Goddammit,” Max grumbled before following afterward.


David grabbed around my waist again, this time tripping and causing both of us to crash into the mud. I laid on my back laughing, feeling the water splash against my cheeks. David hovered above me,

“Are you okay? I didn't mean to knock you down!” He yelled. I finished my laughter and looked up to him with a small smile,

“I'm okay, David- Mr. Counselor of the year.” I winked. His cheeks might've flushed lightly, its hard to see at 2 in the morning with no sun. 

“You know- you saying that makes me happier than any award could.” He smiled. I brought up my hand to cup his cheek,

“are you saying you feeling better?” I asked. He smiled,


Beats went by in silence, us both just examining each other.

“Camp has been fun… I’ve always loved this camp since I was a kid…” he started, he then leaned closer, bending his elbows in almost a plank position, “but I've never loved this camp as much as I have since you've arrived.” He smiled. I felt my cheeks rise in temperature, maybe just because I'm already sick from laying in the rain. 

“You're cheesy.” I chuckled, rubbing my thumb over his cheek.

“What can I say? I'm a hopeless romantic.” He replied, leaning into my touch. I chuckled softly,

“That's pretty attractive.” I flirted.

“W-What really? Is- am- am I attractive?” He stuttered. I laughed, throwing my head back slightly,

“In your own way.” I smiled. He smiled back, leaning in even closer. A ghost of his breath blew over my lips-

“Ew! Are you guys fucking?!” Max screamed. David quickly scrambled up, putting his hand out to help me as well.

“Language.” David scowled.

“No! We’re- why aren't you kids in your tents?!” I asked.

“Why are you and David rolling in the mud together?” Nikki asked.

“Why are you guys out in the rain!? You can get sick!” David asked.

“Why are you in a sexual relationship with Samuel?!” Niel asked.

“I-Its not a sexual relationship! We’re just friends!” David defended.

“Friends?” Max scoffed, “you guys seemed pretty cozy in that mud- oh and might I add that you act like a 4th grader with a total crush around Samuel!”

“I don't-!” David started.

“What are you youngins doing?!” The quartermaster yelled. We all screamed beside Max at the man that popped out of nowhere.

“Nothing quartermaster!” David smiled, “we were just heading back to campgrounds!” He said before grabbing Max and picking him off the ground into his arms. I, Niel, and Nikki followed behind the two back to the camp.

The kids went to their tent and I strolled into the counselor cabin.

“I'm going to take a shower,” I mumbled,

“I call after you,” David replied. I turned to him, wanting to say something about what was happening before the kids interrupted, but I closed my mouth, turning to the shower.

No emotional attachments. Find Cameron's secrets. And leave.

(Word count - 992 words) 

(Finished writing on Sun, Aug 5th)

Is this story progressing too fast?

I Can Make You Smile (David x Reader)// CAMP CAMP (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now