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"Hey, you okay?" I questioned. David turned and gave an awkward laugh, rubbing the back of his neck, 

"Y-yeah." He simply said, seeming to not add on to his stuttering and flustered mess earlier. I stood in front of his desk, turning to some paperwork that was strewn across the main work area. 

"At least we rid of Jermy. He was a kind kid, and I don't wanna be rude... I just... I don't know." I said while straightening Davids paper mess, "I just hope the wood scouts treat him kindly." I finished before placing the papers off to the side. I turned to face David, seeing his tired eyes trailing my movement. I noted his quiet state, "... Davey... What's wrong?" I asked. 

"(Y/N). I was mean to Jermy, I called him a name, and ruined our bet, which I guess you guys are right... It was a pretty dumb decision..." He gently pulled off his ripped, yellow, camper shirt, examining the front logo, "I just... I thought the bet would make the campers happy... I thought they would work together, be kind to one another in fear of one of them being taken from the camp... But no..." His voice dropped slightly, "They argue all day on who should leave..." 

David looked up with teary eyes in the dimly lit cabin, "I just want camp Campbell to be like... I don't know, a family." He paused then continued, "Like it was for me when I was a camp Campbell camper." He sniffled before wiping his eyes, "I-I'm sorry- I know I'm supposed to be the nice one and you have a lot going on with your father-" 

I gently wrapped my arms around his shoulders, pulling him into a hug which he gladly accepted with a tight hug back.

"It's okay, David," I said, rubbing circles into his back, "The campers appreciate the trouble you go through to make this camp the best it can be, and you know you try your hardest, so don't put yourself down..." I gently kissed the top of his burnt umber hair, "Plus, this is enough angst for such little chapters." 


"Nevermind, try to clear your head about it... And the campers work together more than you know... I'm just sure they all have their personal troubles." I smiled. David smiled back as I wiped a tear away with my thumb, 

"Thank you, (Y/N)." 


"I just can't believe you, kids," David said, looking back at then through the review mirror, obviously very pissed off and disappointed at the trio's actions. Plus the added anger from their behavior yesterday. 

Day 21

35 days to go

"Yeah, c'mon guys, this is pretty low- and you could've seriously injured him." I lectured, thinking of how much pain the cinnamon roll must be in. 

"Calm down, Space Kid'll be fine. Or he won't! It's fine either way!" Max commented. 

"Ooo! I've never seen the jaws of life in action before!!" Nikki grinned. 

"Guuuuyyyssss, the glue is seeping into my butt!!" Space Kid yelled. 

"Just hold on a little bit longer kiddo," I said, looking back even though he can't see me.

"Don't give pity to just him. He's not the only one suffering! We're stuck in this dumb car too." Niel said. 

"And it's only fair. After trapping our poor intrepid camper in there in the first place!" David leaned forward slightly, obviously annoyed, "He's only trying to get to space." 

"Thank you!!" Space kid yelled as if David was the only person who understood him. 

"Now, buckle in, kiddos. It's a long drive to Sleepy Peak General." David said. 

The kids groaned and sighed.

I reached over and grabbed his hand, assuming he only needs one to drive anyway. He looked to me and smiled, although there was anger exploding behind his eyes. 

"Okay, it's a long trip, but if we stay quiet and don't trigger any of David's long-winded stories, we should-" 

"Hey, David! What's that?" Nikki questioned pointing to the mirror

David poked it, his face lighting up at just the thought. The flames behind his eyes then seemed to vanish, "Oh, this old thing? Well, that takes me back!! Back to the day I truly fell in love with Camp Campbell. " David grinned. 

"Oh, God." 


"You see, it started years ago back when I was a Campbell Camper, just like yourselves." 

I decided not to stop him even with Max's complaints. I think he needed this. 


The car bumped, jolting me awake, 

"-Camp Campbell!" David sighed, "I love that story. So! What did you kids think?!" 

Max looked to David with the most frustrated expression, "I think we pasted the hospital two hours ago." He answered. As if on cue, the car then came to a screeching halt. 

"Also we're out of gas," Nikki added. I covered my face with a sigh, 

"Alright kiddos, get out and be ready to push." I smiled, climbing out of the vehicle. 


Niel's light. Like, really light. His sleeping self laid bridal style in my arms as I moved him to the passenger seat so we could get the other Neil out. After close to two and a half hours we managed to get the car to the hospital to get gas and to tend to Space kid. David picked up the smaller childer and took him in as I waited in the car with the trio. I pulled out my phone, deciding this was the best way to waste time. 


Day 22

34 days to go

"Ah, shit, it's way past your bedtime," I commented, turning around in my seat to see Max and Nikki leaned up against each other in a deep sleep. I smiled softly, glancing to Niel sound asleep in the passenger's seat. 

They may be troublemakers, absolute little shits... But they're still children. Just... Children who need better ways to be told that they're children, acknowledged as children, I guess. David returned with Space kid, who was also asleep. I chuckled softly as the sight, and subconsciously wondered how he fell asleep with the helmet on. 

"Look at them, all tuckered out," David said, tilting his head slightly at the sight. 

"Yeah... Kinda cute." I smiled. David picked up Niel who sleepily wrapped his arms around David's neck. He placed him in the back seat with the other two and I decided to keep Space kid on my lap instead of him rolling around behind the seats. David finally started up the car and we started our way back. 

Looking at David's features now, there was no doubt, he was absolutely exhausted. I don't think I've seen bags that heavy under his eyes since I've been here, and did he even eat today? 

(Word count 1120)

(Finished Wed, Jan 23rd, 2019) 

David or Daniel?

I Can Make You Smile (David x Reader)// CAMP CAMP (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now