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Muffled screams could be heard followed by a grunt from David as he awoke. My eyes shot open as I remembered the situation we were in. I kicked my legs, looking at the upside down running children, 

"What are you kids doing?" David questioned, wiggling in his binds. 

"We're gonna kill space kid!" Nikki smiled. 

"NIKKI NO!" I screamed. I turned my head to David, seeing the fear spread across his face, "Kids! Think about what the hell you're doing!" I screamed. 

I watched as the group fell into a hole that was once covered by leaves, ouch, I hope no one broke a bone or anything. 

A few mumbles went between Max and Erid before a fight broke out, Nikki against Max. These kids really love playing pretend, noting Max's tribal get up and Nikki's animalistic behavior. 

"No fighting! Violence never solves anything!" David pleaded. 

"Stab her, bitch!" Gwen yelled. 

"Bad timing!" I yelled up to her. 

A few bickers went between the children, 

"I'll save you, Nikki!" Harrison yelled, holding himself up on the ledge before aiming his palm out toward me, David, and Gwen. "FIRE!" 

The flame came straight to us, making the rope a patch of flames. I screamed, wiggling as much as I could as I felt the heat radiating off. 

"Oh god!" David screamed I decided to hold back laughter at his severe voice crack, "Someone stop, drop and roll me!" He yelled. 

"This is decidedly... Uncool." Erid grumbled her usual monotone voice. 

"I agree! Someone put me out!" David screamed. 

"Someone put us out!" I corrected, 

"Yes! Us!" He screamed.



David screamed as a yellow Hummer drove and hit the pole, along with both of us. I grunted at the impact, already feeling like a bruise is going to be there later. Out stepped a tall man with gray hair, a smirk on his features as he placed his hands on his waist. 

"Someone say~ Cameron Campbell~?" He asked. I felt my chest thump, 


My eyes trailed him, taking note of the ankle bracelet on his boot. 

"Um? No~?" Gwen question. 

"Mr. Campbell! You saved me!" David smiled. 

"Yes! I definitely saw you and was fully aware, that hitting you with my car would be the best course of action!" He smiled. I closed my eyes and let out a drawn breath, 

Is this guy serious? 

"Please! Excuse the condition of the camp, sir! Things got a little out of hand... But we can fix it! I swear!" David pleaded. Campbell let out a loud chuckle, 

"The old, taking over the camp from the counselors and tying them to the flagpole routine." He let out a breathy chuckle, "I remember my first time." He said, walking away. 

"You're way too casual about this!" I yelled as he left the area. I closed my eyes, wanting to contain a headache from so much blood rushing to my head. 

"Hey, camp! Can't you see this guy is a terrible counselor and needs to be dealt with?!" Max yelled. I heard David gulp beside me. 

"Huh? Oh, sorry kids... I've got other things to deal with... Campbell's got a poker game to get too! I'm not going to give too many details but... Let's just say if I win... I could end up being the prime minister of Thailand." Cameron smiled. 

I Can Make You Smile (David x Reader)// CAMP CAMP (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now