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I squinted my eyes, looking down to see a sleeping Max before my eyes trailed up, seeing a sleeping David on the other side.

Day 19

37 days to go

I smiled softly, reaching over and gently grazing David's cheek. He fluttered his eyes, looking to me before his eyes trailed down to Max. David grinned, gently patting Max's hair.

"I... I kinda wish this was a daily thing..." I smiled, moving my hand to brush my thumb over Max's soft cheek. Max grumbled, rolling to bury his face into the pillow. David then stood from the bed, moving the blanket to not interrupt the small boy. I got up as well, walking to the end of the bed.

"He looks so... Peaceful when he's sleeping." David commented. I smiled,

"He does." I grinned. David turned to the desk, holding up a paper.

"Um, there's a Jacuzzi in the bathroom there. You can go relax, it's been a busy week." David suggested. My eyes trailed to the floor, biting my lip at the idea. David grabbed my hand, bringing it up to his lips to give a small kiss, "Go. Clear your mind of your father and other bothersome things. Okay?" He asked. I sighed, looking away.


David gently pressed his fingers underneath my chin. I reacted by moving my face away and retreating my hand from his before walking to the bathroom.


I untied the robe and let it slip from my shoulders. I then stepped into the jacuzzi before I let myself relax in the salt water, laying my head back.

My mind flashed to last night/this morning with Max. The way he curled up to me so desperately... does he not... Get love at home? I've only seen him as an asshole who craved attention, just wanting to be manipulative, but they way he craved such... Comfort.

I swished my arm in the water, a sigh escaping my lips.

What is his life like at home?

"(Y/N)?" David asked, poking his head through the bathroom door. I tucked my body under the water and turned my head to him,

"Yes?" I asked. His face flushed as he looked away,

"Nikki, Max, and Niel went to the pool, enjoying a swim. I let Nikki swim in your camp Campbell shirt, but I have extras for you to wear.", He explained. I ducked my head under the water, pushing my head back up soon afterward

"Okay," I said, smoothing my hair back with my hands. I turned away, facing the opposite side. The door then shuts and I let out another sigh.

What is me and David's relationship...? Is it serious? Does he think of it as serious?

I feel really bad for the way I moved away from him when he was only trying to comfort. I should make it up to him after I get out...

I sunk into the water, blowing a couple bubbles.

How far does he want the relationship?




I choked on the water, quickly pushing myself up as I coughed into my hand. I need to stop thinking-

What if he wants to move in together?

Does he live in the counselor cabin-? His parent's basement-?

What if he wants to meet my father?

What if I meet his parents?

What if his parents hate me?

What if my father doesn't accept him?

Does he want to take the relationship that far?

How far does he want the relationship?!

Does he know how to work a marriage?

Does... He even know how to have sex...?

I sunk down in the water again, feeling my cheeks go four shades darker.

I need to get out.

I stood from the large tub and pulled on the hotel robe. I walked out of the room, where David sat, only in his shorts. I blinked at the sight, confused at the fact that I've never even noticed him without socks. He stood by the counter, tying his yellow shirt around his neck.

I walked to him, gently grabbing his wrist to stop him from tying the shirt.

"Something wrong?" He asked. I shook my head, a small smile on my lips. He set his shirt down behind me, keeping his hand there to box me in.

"Do you have a plan for the day?" I asked.

"I was thinking of going back to the camp today unless you want to stay another night here?" He asked. I shrugged slightly,

"I wouldn't mind another day here." I grinned. David grinned back, leaning in to gently peck my lips.

"David!" Max yelled. We both turned, seeing Niel, Nikki, and Max in the doorway.

"You guys both disgust me," Niel grumbled. I sighed before gently pushing on David's chest as to tell him to untrap me. He moved his arm and I walked into the bedroom to change, as I grabbed the clothes, I could still hear their conversation.

"I can't believe you, David." Max chuckled.

"Yes, I never imaged in you so sexual-"

"I never imagined you dating at all!!!" Max yelled. David nervously chuckled,


I quickly changed to the short brown shots, a long-sleeved black shirt and then grabbed David vest, still like the idea of stealing his clothing.

I then walked out and smiled,

"Are you guys ready to go to back to the camp?" I asked. David rose a brow,

"You wanna go back already?" He asked. Max then rose a brow,

"You're questioning going back to the camp? You would usually be jumping up and down to go back to the camp!"

"... You've been acting... Out of character lately." Niel commented. David scratched the back of his neck,

"Yea, let's go back to the camp!" He grinned. The campers groaned, throwing their head back.

"I wanna stay here forever~" Nikki whined.

"Can we just watch a bit of TV before we leave?" Niel begged.

"Niel, we have-" David started.

"Yeah!" I grinned, turning on the TV. "Everyone in the fort!" I yelled. Nikki and Niel climbed underneath the sheets, I followed along with them. David laid beside me, Nikki laying down on my back and folding her arms on the top of my head. Niel sat beside me and after some bickering, Max finally laid on his stomach next to David.

"No! Charlie, I won't leave you!" The main character screamed. Nikki gasped,

"No! Charlie was my favorite!" Nikki cried. Niel placed a hand over his heart,

"His sacrifice will not go out in vain." Niel sniffled. "She never got to kiss Allen!"

"Who cares about Allen? She should've left with Aliky!" Nikki argued.

"Guys, guys, she was obviously falling for Atan." David smiled.

"Shut up, David!" Both Nikki and Niel yelled. He kept his smile as he looked back at the TV.

"Okay." He replied.

(Word count - 1135)

(Finished on Thu, Aug 9th)

I thought about David joining you in the Jacuzzi. As you can tell, I put it off.

I Can Make You Smile (David x Reader)// CAMP CAMP (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now