Chapter I

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Chloe Beale was the most renowned model in the Twenty-first Century. She traveled all over the globe doing photoshoots, attending press conferences, and most importantly spreading her Love Is Louder campaign wherever she went. Chloe Beale was beautiful, to say the least. She had long red hair and bright blue eyes that matched the sky on a sunny day. She was tall and thin and was the envy of all women. Her bubbly and positive personality drew people in like a magnet. Chloe was only twenty-six and she had already done so much with her life but yet still had a long way to go.

She had been modeling ever since she was sixteen but her career really took off once she turned twenty-one and a year later, Chloe launched her Love Is Louder campaign - a movement that supported those who had been bullied and subjected to abuse and whose goal was to spread the message that love is louder than hate. The campaign was a massive success, helping hundreds of thousands of people and bringing them together to support one another.

Chloe was one of the biggest role models for young women and girls, all who looked up to the twenty-six-year-old. Chloe was very down to earth as she took time out for her fans whenever she saw them in the street and she tried to sign everything she could when she was met with over-zealous fans who waited for her at the airport or were waiting for her outside the studio.

Life for Chloe Beale was great and she was living it up to the fullest when she was having a night out on the town in LA before she had to fly over to New York the next day for a photoshoot.

"Do you really think you should be drinking so much tonight, Chlo? You've got a flight first thing in the morning." Aubrey told the redhead.

Aubrey Posen was Chloe's best friend since college, even though the blonde was uptight and a bit of a control freak, Chloe loved her nonetheless and couldn't imagine her life without her. She was always there when Chloe needed her and she couldn't have asked for a better friend.

"I'm not planning on getting completely smashed, Bree, don't worry," Chloe reassured her as she downed another shot of vodka.

"If you say so. Just don't complain to me when you wake up with a hangover the next morning."

Chloe just rolled her eyes and kept drinking. She had planned to take things slow, she really did, but Chloe wasn't great at keeping her alcohol intake under control, which is why Aubrey was there to make sure she didn't overindulge. As much as the blonde had tried to manage how much alcohol Chloe was consuming, she was no match for the fiery redhead who drank all the drinks that she bought and was bought for her and before she knew it, Chloe was drunk off her face and dancing up on stage with other intoxicated girls.

Aubrey gave up trying to control Chloe's drinks and waited until the redhead threw up to take her back to her penthouse so she could sleep it off. Tomorrow was going to be a long day for the model.


It was Monday morning and Chloe felt as if she was hit by a truck. Her head was pounding, her stomach did back-flips, her mouth was dry, and all she wanted to do was sleep. So when she had to wake up at six in the morning to catch her flight, she was beyond annoyed. God help her agent. Even though Chloe was a bright young woman who was beautiful on the inside and out, the redhead was a force to be reckoned with if she had a hangover. If she wanted a cheeseburger and a milkshake for breakfast then you went out and got it for her without hesitation. Chloe Beale always got what she wanted one way or another.

The flight from LA to New York was about five and a half hours, which Chloe slept straight through and it helped with her hangover but she was severely dehydrated. Once she woke up she drank nearly all of the bottled water that was on her private jet. Thankfully, when they arrived in New York Chloe was feeling better but she still needed to eat properly and get a good night's sleep before she was back to her usual chirpy self.

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