Chapter XXIX

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"There's nothing much we can do, Chloe. I'm sorry," Chloe's lawyer told the model.

Chloe was at her lawyer's office with Gail discussing all of the stories they could tell the public to try and de-escalate the situation. Unfortunately, it wasn't looking good. Chloe couldn't do anything except to tell a lie, which the redhead didn't want to do. She abhorred lying but it was her only option at that moment.

"It's okay, Lisa, it's not your fault," Chloe sighed, rubbing her eyes. "I guess we're just going to have to take this as it comes and keep our mouths shut."

"That would be your best option, Miss Beale,"

"Thank you, Lisa."

"So you're not going to say anything then?" Gail asked.

"No, there's no point. It doesn't matter what I say, you can tell what Beca's doing in those pictures - there's no way around it. We could say anything but it wouldn't change the fact that Beca was drunk and at a strip club."

"Ah, Chloe... Are you aware that someone is live-streaming from your campaign building right now?" Gail asked.

"What?" Chloe frowned.

"Someone is at your Love Is Louder studio and it looks like Beca,"

"Beca? Let me see!" Chloe snatched Gail's phone and saw that Beca was standing in front of a camera looking nervous beyond words. "What the Hell is she doing! Hundreds of people are already watching this!"

"Whenever you're ready, Miss Mitchell," the cameraman said.

"Thank you." Beca cleared her throat then looked at the camera. "Hi, everyone. Ah, you may recognise me as Chloe's girlfriend and also the woman who was seen at a strip club last night drunk off my ass."

"What is she doing!" Chloe yelled.

"I'd like to explain that to you and some other stuff as well," Beca continued. "It all happened when Chloe and I were having a conversation around my upbringing. I'm quite a closed off person and I don't like talking to people and opening up to them - not even my own girlfriend. She wanted to know more about my personal life but I shut her out and I got angry and it quickly turned into an argument. We said some things in anger and I ran away because that's what I do best. I run because it's easier than facing the truth and the reality of it.

When I was little my parents got divorced and I was left with my father who didn't really have much time for me. I practically raised myself and it was hard - it was very hard. I was used to being on my own and looking out for myself and I still am. It's a hard habit to break. I was angry at Chloe for wanting to know something that she had the right to know because she's my girlfriend and as she said to me, it's what couples do. I've never been in a proper relationship before and it's scary and I honestly don't know what I'm doing. I'm selfish, I'm arrogant, I'm immature, I'm abrupt, and I'm blind. I'm blind to the fact that my girlfriend loves me and would do anything for me."

Chloe gasped in shock as tears escaped her eyes the more she listened to Beca.

"She's done so much for me and this is how I repay her - I go out and I do stupid stuff just because I don't want to face reality, and that's exactly what I did last night. I went out to a strip club and got drunk. I'm not one of those people who go to strip clubs because they want to see women with low self-esteem take their clothes off and dance exotically for them. I'm not like that at all. I went to a strip club because the women there make me feel good about myself. They tell me what I want to hear and they make me feel special, even though it's all an act for them just to get money handed to them. I got drunk to forget about my past and my argument with Chloe. I hate myself for what I did and I don't want what I did to be a reflection on Chloe.

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