Chapter XIX

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Back at Chloe's house, the girls were all situated on the couch while they watched Netflix together but Stacie was too focused on replaying her encounter with Aubrey earlier that day in her mind. The girls ordered pizza for dinner and were having a relaxing time eating and getting lost in the screen in front of them. Beca didn't like watching movies or TV shows but the brunette discovered that Chloe had also started watching Orange Is The New Black so they all watched it together.

"Okay, I can't take this anymore," Fat Amy grabbed the remote and paused the show.

"Amy!" Beca whined.

"Legs, talk to us."

"Huh?" Stacie was snapped out of her daze.

"You've been quiet ever since we got back. What's going on?"


"It wouldn't have anything to do with a certain blonde would it?"

Stacie's gaze shot up to the Australian's.

"W, what? What blonde?"

"Come on, we all saw how you were acting around Aubrey today."

"I wasn't acting any way towards her!" The nurse was quick to defend herself.

"Beca, Chloe," Fat Amy turned to the couple who were cuddled up together with a blanket. "Did or did not Stacie act strangely around Aubrey?"

"Yeah, you did, Stace."

"Sorry, Stacie, but you did."

"There. We have witnesses that can testify. There's no denying it."

Stacie looked at her friends who she thought were traitors but she couldn't deny the fact that she was affected by Aubrey earlier on.

"I don't know what happened but as soon as I saw her... I was lost." The tall woman confessed. "I've never thought myself as someone who bats for the other team but Aubrey... My God, she's beautiful. Like, wow. She took my breath away - literally. I stopped breathing for a little while, and when she spoke to me... it was like I forgot how to talk. Those eyes, that hair, and that smile... she could kill someone with that, you know?" Stacie closed her eyes and remembered the blonde, causing her to smile softly and when she opened her eyes, the girls were staring at her.


"I think someone's got a crush!" The Australian teased.

"Come on, Aims,"

"Chloe, is she single?" Fat Amy probed.

"Yes, she is."

"She is?" Stacie spoke more surprised than she intended.

"Ah huh," Chloe nodded. "Did you want me to put in a good word for you?"

"I... Ah... I..."

"Oh, come on, legs! You couldn't stop staring at her for the entire day! You were smitten!"

Stacie couldn't deny it. She couldn't keep her eyes off the petite blonde. Stacie wasn't one for fancying women but Aubrey was different. There was something about her stringent behaviour and position of authority that attracted the nurse.

"Would she even be interested though?" Stacie asked sheepishly.

"I'll talk to her for you, Stacie," Chloe said. "I'll put in a few good words and see how she feels."

"Thanks, Chloe... How the Hell did you manage a friend like her?"


"Did you do much experimenting?" Fat Amy raised her eyebrows.

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