Chapter IV

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"The cheek, Bree! The Goddamn cheek of her!" Chloe shouted as she paced around her hotel room in her pyjamas.

"I told you she'd have an attitude!" Aubrey stated.

"And you were SO right about it! It pissed me off so much but it just made me want her even more."

"So are you just going to keep playing this little game with her until you win?"

"Yes, Beca Mitchell isn't going to get away with what she's done to me."

"Okay, so, let's say you win. What then?"

"Then she's mine."

"Are you going to make her your girlfriend?"

"That was the plan in the first place, Bree."

"I know, but it'll be interesting to see how everything goes since you two are teasing each other."

"She's making fun of me - that's what she's doing. She thinks she can just act however she wants and get away with it. Tomorrow she's going to be in for a shock."

"What are you going to do?"

"I'm not sure yet but I'll figure it out like I always do."


"And then she makes me go out and get her the most ridiculous sub ever! But the joke was on her since I have a fantastic memory and got her exactly what she asked for. I'm pretty confident that she did it just to annoy me but I showed her."

Beca was sitting on her bed while Stacie was making their dinner.

"Total bitch." Stacie shook her head. "I gather that you still haven't texted her?"

"Pfft! Hell no! I won't give her the satisfaction. I'm not backing down."

"And so you shouldn't! Who does this girl think she is? Yes, she's a world-famous model but that doesn't make her a god!"

"Tell me about it! She keeps staring at me whenever we're in the same room. She just watches me and I swear I feel her taking photos of me, too."

"She can get into trouble for that."

"Probably, but she's Chloe Beale, meaning that she'll have some expensive fancy-pants lawyer that can get her out of anything."


"Well, I just need to put up with her for a few more days before she's gone. The shoot ends on Friday so I won't have to see her again after that."

"I must say, even though this whole situation is messed up, a lot of people would kill to be in your position."

"Yes, and that'd be exactly what Chloe's wants - people who will fall to her feet and do whatever she wants because they're in love with her and worship her. But not me."


"You know what I'm going to do?" Chloe said, still on the phone to Aubrey.

"What?" The blonde replied.

"I'm going to get her number and put her in her place."

"Get her number? But doesn't that just defeat the whole purpose of what you're doing?"

"No, the purpose of what I'm doing is to get her to stop being so stubborn and just go out with me."

"And how are you going to get her number?"

"Easy - Chicago. I'll get it right now."

"Alright, good luck then, Chlo! Let me know how it turns out!"

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