Chapter XXI

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"So, how'd we go?" Chloe asked as she sat down with Beca and the girls on the couch.

The redhead had got home just in time for dinner and changed into a pair of sweats and a t-shirt.  Stacie had made chicken pasta salad but wasn't eating very much since she was still hung up on Aubrey.

"We had a great time!" Fat Amy answered. "We've still got a lot more ground to cover. There's nothing quite like a shopping spree in L.A."

"Nice! What'd you get?" Chloe turned to Beca.

"Ah... Nothing."



"Why not?"

"She didn't have enough money." The Australian answered since she knew Beca was going to lie.

"Amy!" Beca hissed.


"Don't say it," Beca pointed at Chloe.

"Say what?"

"You know what. I don't want you buying anything for me."

"Becs, you know I don't mind."

"Yeah, but I do. You've done enough for me already."


"Please, Chlo. I don't want to talk about this now."

Chloe pursed her lips and sighed.

"Alright." She kissed the brunette's cheek and continued eating her dinner. "What about you, Stacie? You seem a little quiet over there."

"I'm fine," the nurse uttered.

"Clearly. How'd it go with Aubrey?"

Stacie hooded her eyes.

"Oh," Chloe turned to Beca for an explanation.

"She saw Aubrey with this other guy... Ellison or something?"

"Oh! Were they flirting?"

"He was, I think Aubrey was just being nice."

"Sounds about right. Aubrey wouldn't know what was flirting was even if it hit her in the face."

"Yeah, she does give off that impression - all work and no play."

"That's Aubrey!" Chloe chuckled. "Stacie, I wouldn't worry about Ellison."

"Why not? He's tall, handsome, and buff. How could I not worry about someone like that?"

"Because Aubrey's waiting for you."

"What?" The nurse shot her gaze up to Chloe's.

"I may have told her that you thought she was beautiful."

Stacie's eyes widened in horror. "What! Chloe!"

"I know you'd be mad but Aubrey wouldn't know if you liked her unless you told her. I told her to try talking to you because she's lonely and she needs someone, not that she'd admit it. You've got to be the one to approach her because she's certainly not going to do it. Now that Aubrey knows what you think about her, she'll think about you. She was quite flustered when I told her that you said she was beautiful."

"She was?"


"Is that why she was talking to me more today?"


"Oh my God..." Stacie threw her head back on the couch. "I feel like an idiot... I went to ask her out but that Ellison guy came along and I thought they had a thing. He clearly has a thing for her."

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