Chapter XX

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It was a beautiful sunny day in L.A and Beca and the girls were on their way to Global Recordings to have lunch with Aubrey and Chloe. The redhead was already with Aubrey as they had their lunch together. The model made sure that she got there a little earlier so she could talk with her best friend about Stacie.

"So, how's the love life coming along?" Chloe asked.

"You know me, Chlo - nothing new."

"Have you thought about putting yourself out there?"

"I've been busy."

"You've been busy ever since you got this job. You've been busy when you worked at the retreat. You've been busy your whole life."

"Well, I guess that says something then, doesn't it?"

"Come on, Bree. You deserve to be with someone. What's the worst that can happen?"

"They can hurt me."

"Yes, but you move on and find someone better. You can't live your life on maybe's or else you won't get anywhere. Come on, let's suss this out. I know you're picky so what do you want in a person?"

"I don't know..." The blonde sighed.

"Come on, think. You must know what you want. Like, for me I want someone who's honest, loyal, willing to share, and who'll love me for all of my faults."

"And that's Beca?"

"Yes, it is. What is it with you and her? You don't seem to like her very much."

"She just seems a little too... alternative."

"That's what makes her so special. She's different from anyone I've ever met, Bree. I'm in love with her."

"Does she know that?"

"No, not yet. It's too soon to say that to her - way too soon."

"Alright, well, I'd say don't get your hopes up too high but it seems like you already have."

"Thanks, Bree. I can always rely on me to feel better."

"I'm just saying! It's a big commitment to fall in love with someone and it'll hurt if you find out that they don't love you in return."

"I know falling in love with people takes time for some but I know that it's going to be different with Beca."

"Even though she broke things off with you when things got tough?"

"That was different and you know it. Since when did this become about me?"

"Since you fell in love with an alt-girl."

"Okay, back to you. What do you want in someone?"

Aubrey thought for a bit.

"I guess I want someone who'll be by my side through thick and thin, someone who's punctual, clean, organised, and someone who'll just be there."

"Is there anyone here that fits that description?"

"Not really. I mean, you do have to be organized and tardy in a place like this. There is Ellison - he's nice and makes me laugh."

"Ellison, huh? You've never spoken about him before."

"Well, there's nothing much to say. If there were anyone that I'd be interested here it'd be him."

"Does he like you?"

"I don't know. We're friends but nothing more."

"What about the women?"

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