Chapter VI

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Chloe wasn't sure how long she was standing watching Beca make-out with some random girl for. It was as if time had stopped and Chloe was in her own little world. The model had so many thoughts rushing through her head that she couldn't think properly. All she could do was just watch Beca catch the other girl's tongue that she shoved down her throat with her own and continue to feel her up. Chloe wanted to cry. She wanted to scream, pull the girl off of Beca, punch her in the face, and replace the girl's lips with her own.

Beca kept her eyes closed for the majority of her make-out session but something didn't feel right. She could feel someone watching her so she pulled her lips off the girl's and peered to her side where she saw Chloe staring at her.

"Chloe?" Beca uttered, taking in the redhead's sexy attire.

"Who's Chloe?" The girl who was attached to Beca asked, then turned and looked at the redhead. "Oh, is that your girlfriend?"

"No," Beca uttered then put the girl back on her feet. "Sorry,"

The girl pulled her skirt down then wiped the corners of her mouth that were smudged with her lipstick courtesy of Beca. Chloe glared at the girl as she walked past her and back out to the heart of the club.

"What the Hell are you doing here?" Beca snapped.

"The same reason everyone else is here." Chloe retorted. "Loyal girlfriend you are."

"We're not dating!" 

"Not me, you idiot! Your girlfriend back in your apartment!"

"What are you talking about?" Beca frowned.

"I went to your apartment after the shoot and I met your girlfriend."

"Wait, you went to my apartment?"



"To talk to you about what happened."

"Why? To just rub it in my face that you got what you wanted? Well, congratulations."

"No, that's not what I went there for and I didn't get what I wanted."

"You got me fired! What did you think was going to happen?"

"I just wanted to get you into trouble but nothing serious!"

"Are you kidding me? What are you, ten years old?"

"Listen, I'm sorry, Beca, okay? I really am and that's what I went to see you about. I wanted to apologise and make it up to you."

"An apology and a dinner aren't going to get me my job back."

"I didn't say anything about a dinner."

"Good because I wouldn't go anyway."

Chloe pushed aside the hurt that was inside her.

"Beca, I'm so sorry you got fired. That was the last thing I wanted to happen. I didn't even realise that Chicago would go that far."

"Of course he would have. You're one of the biggest stars out there at the moment and when you call up crying to him about something that I did that YOU instigated, of course, he's going to fire me!" Beca couldn't help but get angry.

"I'm so sorry..." Chloe hung her head and fought back her tears. "I'm going to make it up to you."

"I don't want anything from you, Beale. Just leave me alone. I've got work to do." Beca tried to push past the redhead but Chloe wouldn't let her.

"No," Chloe blocked Beca's path and Chloe could see the lipstick marks all over Beca's face and neck. It made Chloe's stomach twist even tighter.

"You better get that lipstick off you before your girlfriend sees," Chloe told her.

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