Chapter II

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Chloe was at the Wall Street Studio at nine o'clock sharp and she was ready to find out more about the young Beca Mitchell. The redhead was in her dressing room putting on her first outfit of the day, which was just jeans and a designer shirt. Once she was dressed she had her make-up done and the whole process took about an hour. Chloe liked the outfit she had on - it was comfortable and the fact that she wasn't wearing a bra underneath her shirt gave her the perfect window to get a reaction out of Beca and she wouldn't even need to try.

"Okay, let's get Chloe into position so we can start," Chicago ordered and Beca was quick on her feet as she prepared everything she needed to for her boss.

The young woman rushed over to Chloe and sat her down on a chair that was in front of a small kitchen that had been set up the day before.

"Hello, Beca," Chloe smiled.

"Hello, Miss Beale," Beca reciprocated, making sure that Chloe's clothes were neat and they sat the way Chicago wanted them to.

"You can call me Chloe," the redhead giggled.

"Okay," Beca forced a smile. "Can you just spread your legs for me a bit?"

"You could at least buy me dinner first," Chloe teased and Beca's face flushed, adding to Chloe's confidence and reassurance that she could easily get a rise out of the assistant.

"Alright, that's good... Are you happy with that, boss?" Beca called out to Chicago.

"Perfect! Let's get started!"

"Good job, Beca," Chloe purred and Beca smiled awkwardly as she rushed off and stood next to Chicago.

"Alright, are you comfortable, Chloe?" He checked.


"Excellent. Here we go," Chicago looked into his camera and began snapping photos of Chloe, calling out to the woman to change positions, changing the angle he was in, changing the lighting, all with the aid of Beca.

After about twenty minutes Chicago called it. "Alright, that's good. Take ten minutes then we'll go again."

"Are you okay, Chloe?" Beca asked as she walked over to the redhead, giving her a bottle of water.

"Perfect, thank you." She took the water and had a sip, tempted to spill a little on her shirt but she still needed to wear it for more photos so she resisted.

"I'm glad it's not cold in here," Chloe said. "Or else we'd have a bit of a problem in the chest department."

Beca flicked her eyes down to Chloe's shirt, remembering that she was braless. She stared for about a second before tearing her eyes away.

"Yeah, we don't really need a heater in here, the lights emit enough heat on their own," Beca stated, trying not to be so awkward around the beautiful model.

"I know, good thing I'm not wearing a white top or else you'd be able to see straight through."

"Yes, you would." Beca brushed the comment off as she watched several make-up artists swarm Chloe and touch up her make-up, even though the model didn't touch her face at all.

"So, tell me about yourself, Beca," Chloe jumped straight into it.

She wanted to know everything she could about the assistant and make sure that she wasn't dating that Stacie girl, so she had to get to know the woman a bit more before she could probe into her personal life.

"Ah," Beca hadn't been asked that question before, especially by a model.

All of Chicago's clients were more interested in him and paid very little attention to Beca but Beca was used to it. She was merely the helping hand to the genius behind the lens and no one cared about what happened behind the scenes and the people that helped put everything together - it was all about Chicago and how great he was and how successful he was.

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