Chapter XXIV

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Chloe arrived at Aubrey's apartment about half an hour later. She let herself in to find her best friend sitting at the kitchen table with her laptop in front of her as she did some work.

"What the Hell, Aubrey!" Chloe barked.

"What?" The blonde frowned.

"You know what! Why did you do that to Stacie?"

Aubrey sighed, hooding her eyes from the raging model who was now standing opposite her friend.

"Well?" Chloe prompted impatiently.

"I just... I don't have time for relationships. I thought I was but after thinking about it, I don't have time. I wouldn't be able to give her what she wants."

"So you thought leading her on by taking her out to dinner and sleeping with her was fine before you broke things off?"

"Look, I regret that, I really do, but one thing led to another and it just happened."

"Did you even want it?"

"Of course I did. Stacie is beautiful."

"Did you just use her for her body?"

"What? Of course not!" Aubrey frowned.

"Then why the Hell did you do it!"

"I don't know! I liked her, okay? She was great but I can't give her what she wants and besides, she lives in New York for crying out loud! It would never work anyway!"

"You don't know that. Beca lives in New York, too, and we still have time for each other."

"There's a difference between you and I, Chloe - you have the money and the resources to see your girlfriend whenever you want. I don't have that."

"Then do the long-distance thing."

"Those are the worst and you know it. There's pretty much no point to them."

"You're glued to your work, Aubrey, that's the problem. You work far more than you should, even your bosses have told you that but you refuse to listen. What are you so afraid of?"


"No, tell me. Stacie is a great woman and she cares about you. You broke her heart, Aubrey so I deserve an explanation."

"I'm afraid of getting hurt, okay!" She snapped. "No one's ever liked the real me and I know that as soon as Stacie or anyone else sees the real me they'll leave. It's easier to just be focused on my work than anything else."

Chloe froze and looked at her friend who was looking rather upset but not crying.

"I've seen the real you and I've stayed," The model told her.

"Yeah, but that's different."


"It just is."

"That's not a valid enough excuse, Bree," Chloe chuckled.

"Well, it's good enough for me."

"Did you like being with Stacie?"

Aubrey paused.

"Yeah, I did."

"What was so great about it?"

"She was just... sweet. She was interested in what I did at work and in my own time. It's like she was hung up on every word. She's a very compassionate person and it's no wonder she's a nurse - she just cares so much for others. The way she spoke about her work was so mesmerising, and the way she looked at me... I don't know how to describe it but it was different to how anyone else has ever looked at me before. And going to bed with her was amazing, like, it was the best I've ever had. EVER."

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