Chapter XXII

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It was date night for Beca and Chloe, and Stacie and Aubrey. Stacie was more than a little nervous, to say the least. She had spent hours trying to decide what outfit to wear, which was completely NOT Stacie. Yes, the nurse took pride in what she wore but this was different - she was about to go out on a date with the most beautiful human being she had ever laid eyes upon. She and Chloe spent over an hour sussing out nice restaurants in the city and Stacie had eventually picked one that she thought was good enough for Aubrey. Everyone thought it was quite cute how much effort Stacie put into her date. She wanted everything to be perfect and she wasn't going to settle for anything less. Everyone had told her to calm down but Stacie wasn't having it. She wanted to give Aubrey a good proper first impression instead of the mess she got the other day.

The tall brunette was looking absolutely stunning for her date. She was wearing a tight black dress, which accentuated her curves, and black heels, making her an inch or so taller. She had decided to wear her hair down in natural waves, and she had also put makeup on to enhance her beauty, not that she needed it but the makeup made her look flawless. She sprayed on her perfume as well, which she never really got a chance to wear since hospitals forbid heavy smells, especially perfumes or colognes. Being all dolled up gave Stacie an extra boost of confidence, which she needed that night. She needed to muster up all of her confidence for her dinner. She was going to be eating in front of a beautiful woman and the last thing she wanted was to make a complete mess of herself.

After receiving mass amounts of good lucks from her friends, Stacie was driven to the restaurant by one of Chloe's drivers. The nurse was anxiously tapping on her clutch that matched her dress, as she watched all of the buildings pass by until the car stopped.

"Here we are, ma'am," the driver announced.

Stacie looked out of the window and saw the two large glass doors that led to the restaurant.

"Thank you." Stacie hopped out of the car and into the cool night air.

The brunette had offered to pick Aubrey up but the blonde insisted that she meet Stacie at the restaurant instead. Aubrey wasn't being rude, far from it, she just wasn't sure when she would be home since she had quite a lot of work to do and didn't want to keep Stacie waiting.

Stacie stood out the front of the restaurant awkwardly, not sure whether or not to wait for Aubrey or just go inside. Since it was rather chilly outside, Stacie decided to text the blonde.

Stacie: I'm here. :)

The brunette got a reply almost instantly.

Aubrey: I'm on my way. You can go inside and wait where it's warm. :)

Stacie: Okay. See you soon.

Stacie was internally thanking Aubrey for giving her permission to wait inside, not that she needed it but Stacie didn't want to be rude or careless in any way. If she had to wait outside for Aubrey then she would - anything to give the best impression.

Stacie entered the restaurant and was met instantly by the maître d' who escorted Stacie to her table. The restaurant was extremely impressive. It was open and heated perfectly. There were large glass chandeliers hanging from the ceiling and a massive fish tank on the far wall with what appeared to be salt-water fish inhabiting it. The tank gave off a blue light within the restaurant, giving it a rather calming and soothing vibe. Everyone in the restaurant was wearing suits and dresses and Stacie saw quite a few people looking at her, which the brunette was used to. Stacie knew she was attractive and used it to her advantage quite a bit. She would take great pleasure from having so many eyes on her but she didn't really care at that moment. Sure, it made her feel a little more confident but all she cared about was Aubrey and how smoothly their date was going to run.

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