Chapter XVII

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It had been several days since Chloe had arrived back in New York. The redhead got on well with Stacie and Fat Amy and it made Beca's heart soar to see her friends and her girlfriend interact so well together. Stacie and Fat Amy were happy that Beca and Chloe got back together. They had noticed how down Beca got ever since Chloe left so it was good that they sorted things out. Chloe had helped Beca get over her anxieties about going outside. After having a day in, the model encouraged Beca to go out. The brunette was extremely reluctant but with some persuasion, Chloe managed to get Beca to leave her apartment. 

At first, it was just outside the door and then around the floor that Beca was on. Since she was doing so well, Chloe decided to take Beca both out the front of the apartment building and into the parking lot where the incident occurred. Both Chloe and Beca were expecting Beca to freak out and possibly have another panic attack but she didn't. The brunette was anxious but it was nothing compared to what she experienced the other day. Chloe was proud and rewarded the brunette with ice cream and a little make-out session.

The couple hadn't done anything more than make-out and they were both fine with that. Chloe kept her word by saying that they were going to take things at Beca's pace. The younger woman felt more and more comfortable around Chloe after their talk. She was relieved that the redhead wasn't going to pressure her or come on too strong. Chloe was a heavy believer in talking through things and sorting things out no matter how big or small, which is why she had so many strong friendships. Even though Beca was a stick in the mud when it came to talking about her feelings, she respected Chloe's desire to talk through things. Beca tried her best but it was hard since opening up was certainly not her strong suit.

Chloe had managed to get Beca out of the apartment and convince her to go out for lunch officially as girlfriends. Since Beca was yet to run into the paparazzi again, Chloe hired a bodyguard to follow them around on their date, at a distance of course. Knowing that they had someone to get them out of trouble gave Beca some relief and confidence for that matter. Chloe felt safer, too. She knew she could protect Beca if anything happened but it was reassuring that she had a helping hand. Protecting Beca was Chloe's top priority and the thought of having a bodyguard more often was a frequent thought in the model's mind.

It was a cool day in New York as Beca and Chloe walked hand in hand around Liberty Island. During the years that Beca had lived in the big city, she had never visited Liberty Island and other famous landmarks around the city either. Chloe was appalled and it was not negotiable when the model took Beca there for their date. The couple had been at the island for over two hours and they were not bothered once, not even by fans. It was mostly due to the fact that a lot of people that were on the island were tourists and more focused on taking photos of the Statue of Liberty than anything else. It also helped that Chloe was wearing big Aviator sunglasses that covered a lot of her face, and a black bowler hat.

"How are you doing, Becs?" Chloe asked as they pondered around the coastline of the island.

"Good. This is nice."

"Are you glad that we went out?"

"Yes," Beca sighed.

"And are you glad that I made you try that mango iced tea that you couldn't get enough of?"

"I hadn't had a drink since we left the apartment and I was parched! I needed something to quench my thirst."

"Mmhm, something that you went back and ordered again since it was so damn good."

"You're pushing it again, Beale."

Chloe just giggled and kissed the brunette's cheek.


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