Chapter XXVI

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"Oh my God! Look at the size of that bear!" Beca pointed to a game station, which held multiple prizes with the ultimate prize being a giant bear that would have to have been tied on top of a pick-up truck to be taken anywhere.

"Want me to win it for you, baby?" Chloe teased.

"Are you kidding? That thing would take up half of the space in my apartment!"

Chloe giggled and continued to walk through the fair with her girlfriend.

The brunette was having an amazing time at the fair. She had won many prizes and went on every ride there was. She also went through the haunted houses, much to Chloe's protest. The model hated being scared but Beca thought it was hilarious and it made the younger woman's experience a hundred times better. Chloe never let go of Beca when they went through the houses - she had to be holding onto her one way or another, which made Beca laugh even more. Chloe hated how much Beca was laughing at her but she was happy that Beca was having a good time and that's all that mattered to Chloe.

The day went by quickly and Beca was walking hand in hand with Chloe as they left the fair.

"So, did we have fun?" Chloe asked.

"A little,"

"A little! If this is you only having a little bit of fun I can't imagine what you'd have to do for you have the time of your life!"

"Okay, maybe I had a lot of fun with my beautiful girlfriend who hates sour candy and is afraid of fake haunted houses."

Chloe giggled. "Such a charmer."

"Thank you though for a fun time, baby. I'm glad we went out, and I swear if you give me shit about admitting that then you won't get your back rub tonight or any kisses."

"What? No kisses!"


"Can I just give you a little bit of shit? Just a little?" Chloe poked her bottom lip out and made an exaggerated sad face.

"Fine," Beca sighed. "Just a little."

"I TOLD you that you would have fun!" Chloe beamed.

"Yeah, yeah, it was great."

Chloe laughed then walked over to Shelly that was still covered up by the car cover. Beca helped Chloe peel it off and put it in the trunk along with all of their prizes and other goods.

"So beautiful..." Beca smiled at the car.


Beca looked up when Chloe threw her car keys at the brunette. Beca examined them with wide eyes then shot her gaze up to meet Chloe's.

"Are you serious?"

"Can you drive a stick?"


"Then I'm serious."

"YES!" Beca ran over to the driver's side and got in with Chloe next to her.

The redhead giggled and watched in adoration as Beca turned the car on and beamed when she listened to it purr.

"Now, she's very powerful, Becs, so just take it easy for a little bit, okay? You've got a bit over two hours of driving in this baby so you can take your time."

"You seem to forget that I have a Camaro back at home."

"I know, but if I didn't know any better I'd say that you only drove it to work and back, therefore you haven't driven it at a high speed. Shelly is VERY powerful."

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