Chapter XXIII

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It was a new morning and Stacie woke with a smile on her face when she realised where she was. She was lying next to Aubrey, still naked and buried under the bedsheets from last night. The brunette had her arm around the blonde's waist as she slept peacefully next to Stacie. The nurse couldn't help her beaming grin. She carefully removed her arm from around Aubrey then propped herself up on her elbow and watched the woman sleep. Aubrey slept so calmly and so quietly, Stacie actually had to listen carefully to hear the woman sleeping. Stacie wasn't sure how long she was watching Aubrey sleep but she was interrupted when her stomach growled and the nurse decided to get up and make some breakfast.

Stacie realised that the only piece of clothing she had with her was her dress. She didn't want to put that back on and luckily enough for her, she saw a white silk dressing gown hanging over the chair in the corner. Surely Aubrey wouldn't mind, she thought. The brunette slipped on the gown and deftly made her way out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. Aubrey had quite a large apartment. The main room had a kitchen, a small dining area, and a lounge room all in one. It was clean and tidy and it made Stacie feel quite inadequate since she lived in such a crummy little apartment but she quickly brushed off the thought and began to search through Aubrey's kitchen. She got a pan then went into the fridge and cupboards to pull out ingredients for pancakes. Stacie was an expert pancake maker so she thought that it would be nice for the both of them to start the day with something sweet.

Stacie went to cooking straight away, still with a smile on her face as she kept replaying last nights events over and over again. She still couldn't believe what happened and she wasn't expecting everything to escalate so quickly. Stacie always had a rule that she would never have sex on the first date but everything was different with Aubrey. The fact that Aubrey was the one who came onto the nurse caught Stacie completely off guard but she didn't mind.

Just as Stacie was finishing her first batch of pancakes, she was alerted by another presence in the room and when she turned around, she saw Aubrey standing in the kitchen in pyjama pants and a knitted sweater. Her hair was still messy from last night and Stacie thought she looked absolutely adorable.

"Good morning!" Stacie smiled.

"Good morning,"

"I hope you don't mind, I pinched your dressing gown. I didn't really want to put my dress back on straight away. I also took the liberty to make us breakfast. I hope you're hungry."

"Ah, I'm not very hungry," Aubrey uttered.

"Oh, okay, umm... is there something else I can make you?" Stacie stopped cooking and turned to the blonde.

"No, it's fine. I think I'll just grab a coffee instead."

"I'll get it for you."

"No, it's okay. I'll get it." Aubrey stepped over to the coffee machine and started making her beverage.

"Listen, I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed last night. I mean, aside from the obvious, of course. I really enjoyed our dinner and getting to know you. I was thinking that if you're free today we could go out for lunch or something and get to know each other a little more."

"Ah, I still have work to do today, I'm sorry."

"Oh... Okay... Ah, well, what day do you think you'll be free? I'd love to take you out again."

"Umm... I don't know, Stacie. I'm a really busy woman so I might not have free time for a while."

Stacie's heart sank as soon as she noticed Aubrey's standoffish posture and clipped tone.

"So was last night just a one-time thing?" It pained Stacie to ask.

Aubrey took a hesitant breath. "I'm sorry, Stacie. I enjoyed last night but I'm not ready for a relationship right now."

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