Chapter XIII

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The next morning, Chloe woke up with a dreadful hangover. Her head was pounding, her mouth was dry, and her stomach was doing back-flips faster than a gymnast. The redhead opened her eyes and saw that she was in her bed and thankfully, next to Aubrey instead of some stranger. Chloe never slept around but she was always worried that when she went out clubbing that she'd bring someone back to her house and regret it the next morning. But thankfully, Aubrey always made sure that didn't happen.

Chloe rubbed her sore eyes then slowly rolled onto her back and she soon realised that lying on her back wasn't a good idea. The model jerked up and raced into her ensuite where she threw up into the toilet. She threw up everything she ate and drunk the night before until her stomach was empty. When she was done, she felt like her organs were twisted and put into places where they didn't belong.

"Ugh..." Chloe flushed the toilet and rinsed her mouth out several times before drinking straight from the tap.

"Chlo?" Aubrey called out.


"Are you okay?"

"No... I feel like I'm gonna die..." Chloe walked out of the bathroom, looking like an absolute mess and still in her clothes from last night. "Why aren't you hungover?"

"Because I was keeping an eye on you. I have a little hangover though but not as bad as you obviously."

"Lucky you..." Chloe grumbled then flopped back onto her bed.

"Do you remember what happened last night?" Aubrey asked.

"Not really... I remember getting on the table and dancing... I remember doing shots... I remember... a guy. He looked like Beca but..." Chloe stopped herself as tears surfaced.

"It's okay, Chlo,"

"I almost got raped, Bree... I almost got raped because I was careless." She sniffed. "That's never happened to me before."

"I'm sorry, Chlo. I'm sorry that I took you out. I'm just glad that I got there in time to stop it."

"Me, too. Thank you." Chloe cuddled up to her best friend and held her tightly. "You're my hero."

"We'll be more careful next time."

"I don't even remember going off with him. Did you see me go with him?"

"No. I went to get us some drinks and when I came back to our table you were gone. I spent ages looking for you then I... I found you."

Chloe frowned at the memory. Even though she hardly remembered anything from the night before, the incident with the man was as clear as day.

"I'm sorry, Bree. I didn't know what I was doing. I just missed Beca so much..."

"I know," Aubrey rubbed Chloe's arm. "You really miss her, don't you?"

Chloe nodded. "More than you could imagine." A tear fell from Chloe's eye when she blinked and was startled when her phone chimed next to her. "Ugh," the noise was too loud for the hungover model.

Chloe rolled over to her bedside table and picked up her phone. She squinted at the screen then when her eyes focused, she saw that Beca had texted her.

"Holy shit," Chloe jolted upright and checked that it WAS Beca's name on her screen.

"What is it?" Aubrey probed.

"It's Beca."



"What does she want?"

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