Chapter XXVII

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After cleaning up from her cook-off with Aubrey, Chloe decided to call it a night and head off to bed early. Beca had gone to take a shower since she was quite tired from the long but fun day. The model said goodnight to everybody then went into her room and was met with candles, a bottle of coconut oil on the bedside table, and soft music playing in the background.

"What the...?" A small curious yet excited smile spread across Chloe's face. "Beca?"

"Yes, m'lady?" Beca leaned against the bathroom door in sweatpants and a t-shirt.

"What's all this?"

"You wanted to have a back rub with candles, coconut oil, and music. So... I've got it all ready."

"You're amazing, you know that?" Chloe beamed.

"I know," Beca smirked. "Now, are you going to get changed or not?"

"Yes, just give me a minute," Chloe walked into her wardrobe where she changed out of her clothes and into sweatpants and a t-shirt.

She tossed her hair up then walked over to her bed and sat on top of it.

"Okay, take your shirt off and lie on your front, Beale," Beca ordered softly, turning around to give Chloe her privacy.

"Okay," the model took off her shirt, laid down on her front, and got comfortable. "Ready,"

Beca turned around and her mouth went dry when she saw Chloe's perfect naked back in front of her. It was beautiful. It had no marks or blemishes on it and it had a nice deep line going straight down the middle. Chloe worked out hard when she could and it paid off exceptionally well. The brunette moved over to the bed then grabbed the coconut oil.

"Is it alright if I straddle you?" Beca asked.


Beca sat on Chloe's backside, making both women let out a soft sigh. Chloe's ass was nice to sit on and Beca felt nice to be on top of Chloe. It worked out well for both women.

"I'm not too heavy for you?" Beca checked.

"No, cutie." Chloe giggled softly.

"Good. Let's get started then." Beca gently squirted some coconut oil onto the model's back then placed her hands on Chloe's skin and began to move them.




Beca spread the oil all over Chloe's back then went up to her shoulders and focused on them for about a minute then moved to her neck.

"That's good, Becs..." Chloe purred. "Don't be afraid to get a little firm."

"Okay," Beca rubbed a little harder when she found some tight muscles in the redhead's back, which she got out expertly.

Beca then moved her hands down Chloe's sides, her thumbs digging into either side of her spine as her other fingers traced the redhead's ribcage. Chloe had the softest skin Beca had ever felt. Beca hadn't touched anyone like this before but it wasn't like she never touched someone else's skin before either. Beca didn't realise that someone's back could be so soft and smooth but then again, Chloe was a world-famous model so she had to look after herself and she probably got pampered quite a lot.

"How's this?" Beca checked.

"Amazing... Have you done this before?"

"No, but I'm glad I'm doing well for my first time."

"You are. This is the best massage I've ever had."

Beca breathed a laugh.

"And no, I'm not just saying that because you're my girlfriend. You're actually very good at this. I've had quite a few massages where they haven't done a good job or just made it worse. I'm still yet to find someone who I actually like and now I think I have."

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