Chapter XVIII

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Two days later and Chloe, Beca, Stacie, and Fat Amy were living it up in Chloe's private jet that was flying them over to L.A first thing in the morning. Beca and her friends were all tired and a little cranky that they had to get up so early. But once they got onto Chloe's jet, their mood quickly changed and they knew that they were in for a fun and exciting trip. Stacie managed to get time off work by using her holiday leave, Fat Amy got time off since she was only a part-time worker, and Chloe managed to make arrangements so that Beca got to keep her job at the Wall Street Studio. Hopefully, if everything went well with Beca's music, she wouldn't have to work there much longer.

Chloe's jet landed in L.A at around half-past eleven in the morning where they were all chauffered to Chloe's house straight away.

"That's your house?" Beca asked as she looked at the massive house on the hill that they were approaching fast.

"Yep!" Chloe smiled. "That's where we'll be staying."

"Oh my God... How much did that set you back?"

"Nothing I couldn't afford."


Chloe giggled then hopped out of the car once they arrived at her house.

"Come in and make yourselves at home," Chloe said as soon as she opened the front door.

"Oh my God!"

"Wow! Nice pad, ginger!"


The three friends gawked at Chloe's house that was a large open space with a flood of natural light coming inside.

"You have your own bar!" Fat Amy dumped her bags on the ground and raced over to the bar against the back wall.

"Look at your TV!" Stacie wandered over to the massive flat-screen on the wall.

"Stacie! Check out this kitchen!" Fat Amy was now in the kitchen as she inspected Chloe's fridge. "Woah! You could fit a kangaroo AND a crocodile in here!"

"Amy, get out of there!" Beca ordered, feeling beyond embarrassed.

"It's okay, Becs." Chloe giggled.

"Oh my God! Look at your view!" Stacie made her way outside. "Look at your pool!"

"She's got a pool!" The Australian raced outside. "Sweet!"

"I don't think I need to give them a tour," Chloe laughed.

"I'm so sorry, Chlo. I'll go get them." Beca left Chloe's side and raced over to her friends. "Get your asses back in here! You're embarrassing me!"

Chloe couldn't help but giggle at her girlfriend. She honestly couldn't care that Beca's friends were excited to explore her house. She actually found it cute and endearing. It also made her realise just how lucky she was and it made her happy that Beca's friends were excited about staying in her house.

"Chloe's going to give us a tour, so behave," Beca told them as she brought the two women inside, looking like a pair of told-off children. "Sorry, Chlo,"

"It's okay, Becs. I don't mind. Grab your bags and I'll show you to your rooms."

The women did as told and followed Chloe down a hallway where the guest rooms were.

"Okay, so I have two guest rooms. All of them have their own ensuite and view. You can decide what rooms you want. They're pretty much the same so one's not better than the other."

"Okay, I'll take this one," Stacie pointed to the door on her left.

"I'll have this one then." Fat Amy turned to the door on her right and opened it to a large bedroom with a queen bed, a built-in wardrobe, an ensuite, and a small balcony that led to another amazing view.

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