Chapter V

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The day at the Wall Street Studio was long, to say the least. Without Beca, the shoot took longer than usual and the day ended at seven instead of five. Chloe couldn't wait to get out of there quick enough. She was able to get Gail to get Beca's address from Chicago and that's where her next stop was. Once Chloe left the studio, she told her driver to take her to Beca's apartment. The model was going to apologise to the brunette and put this whole mess behind them. She was prepared for Beca to reject her and get all kinds of angry at her but Chloe couldn't live with what she did. She HAD to make things right - it was just in her nature to fix things, especially if she was the one that caused the problem.

The redhead had another one of her comfy outfits on. She was in jeans, slip-on shoes, a t-shirt, and a jacket. Her hair was down and wavy and she still had make-up on from her shoot. She noticed how Beca looked at her the day before when she had her other cute outfit on so she hoped that it'd make talking to Beca easier. Chloe's driver pulled up at Beca's apartment block and the model hopped out of the car and made her way inside. The area didn't look too dodgy but it wasn't a place that Chloe wanted to stay too long at.

Chloe had made her way to the elevator, which took her up to the tenth floor. She stepped out of the metal box and found Beca's apartment at the end of the hall - number 1012. With a nervous breath, Chloe knocked on the door and waited for an answer but she got nothing. She knocked again then heard some footsteps creep towards her. Chloe's heart began to race as she prepared herself for Beca's wrath but to Chloe's surprise, it wasn't Beca who answered the door - it was Stacie.

The tall brunette was wearing extremely short pyjama shorts and a loose tank top, which allowed Chloe to see just how big her breasts were. Chloe looked behind her and saw a fold-out bed with ruffled sheets. The redhead was not at all impressed.

"YOU," Stacie growled. "What the HELL do you want?"

"Is Beca here?" Chloe asked calmly.

"What's it to you?"

"I need to talk to her."

"Well, she doesn't want to talk to you."

"Is she in?"

"No, she's not. She's gone out."

"Where did she go?"

"None of your business. She doesn't want to talk to you." Stacie snapped.

"And who are you?"

"None of your business."

"Are you her girlfriend?" Chloe didn't mean to ask the question but it slipped out before she could stop it.

Stacie's lips curled into a small smile.

"You bet I am. We went at it before she went out hence, this..." Stacie pointed to her attire.

Chloe's blood was boiling. Her hands were now in fists. Her eyes were hard, and she clenched her jaw so much it hurt.

"Again, Beca's not here and she never wants to talk to you again." Stacie reminded her. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get some rest before she comes back for round two." Stacie shut the door in Chloe's face and the redhead almost punched it in return.

I knew it, Chloe thought. I knew she was her girlfriend! The model was angry, hurt, upset, jealous, and frustrated. She just wanted to talk to Beca but instead, she was greeted by her very tall and very sexy girlfriend who slammed the door in her face and she was just as cocky as Beca. It was no wonder the two were together, at least that's what Chloe thought anyway.

Chloe turned and made her way out of the building and back into her car.

"That was quick," Gail said.

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