Chapter X

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It was Sunday and Beca had woken up at around ten in the morning, which was actually quite early for the brunette on a weekend. She'd usually sleep until eleven since she had to get up nice and early during the week. Unfortunately, she couldn't really sleep well because of what happened the day before. She really didn't want photos of her and Chloe making out all over the place but she couldn't do anything about it. Chloe and her team were the only ones that could stop it and Beca hoped that they were successful. Beca hadn't heard from Chloe for the rest of the night and she wasn't sure if that was good or bad. She wanted to take it as a good sign but she couldn't be sure. 

Once Beca was awake, she made her morning coffee for herself and Stacie. Fat Amy was out last night and still wasn't back, which wasn't uncommon. The blonde would be gone for days then come back without an explanation. It was worrying at first but Beca and Stacie quickly became accustomed to it and they never had to rescue the Australian from any bad decisions that she had made yet so whatever she was up to couldn't have been bad.

"Ah, dammit," Beca hissed.

"What?" Stacie asked from their fold-out bed.

"We're out of milk."

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah... I'll quickly go to the store and get some."

"Okay, are you alright with money?"


Even though they both had incomes, Beca and Stacie always checked to see if the other had enough money to go out. It was just a safety measure that they had. They knew if they didn't have any money, they could turn to the other for support and they'd pay them back as soon as they got the chance. It was a good strategy and they didn't have to worry about going without since the other would always have their back.

Beca got dressed in her usual attire then grabbed her purse and her satchel before walking to the door.

"Do we need anything else from the store while I'm going down?" Beca asked.

"No, just the milk."

"Okay, I'll see you soon."

"Alright. Stay safe."

"Will do." Beca left their apartment and took the elevator to the ground floor.

When she reached the bottom she could hear loud chatter from outside, which was unusual since it was rather quiet where she lived. She got closer to the door and when she opened it, she was blinded by flashes and deafened by people shouting at her.

"There she is!"

"Beca! Over here!"

"Look this way, Beca!"


"Miss Mitchell! Over here!"

"Look over here!"

Beca squinted as she held up her hands to try and see. She was bombarded by at least a dozen photographers who we barely giving her any space to breathe.

"Beca, are you and Chloe Beale dating?"

"How long have you been seeing each other for?"

"Where did you two meet?"


Beca heard a familiar voice come from behind the crowd and when she looked, she saw Chloe race towards her, which only made the photographers go even more crazy.


"Chloe! Over here!"

"Chloe, is Beca your girlfriend?"

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