Chapter XIV

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As soon as she hung up from Chloe, Beca fell asleep pretty much straight away - she was exhausted. She just wanted to forget about what happened and try and find some peace. The brunette had never experienced anything like that, obviously, especially panic attacks and fainting. That scared her the most. She honestly thought she was going to suffocate and die - it was terrifying. She didn't know who else to call but Chloe. She was the first person on her mind.

The brunette was asleep for hours until she was startled when loud knocks sounded on her door. Beca jolted awake and listened to the repetitive noise. Her heart was pounding and she was sweating a little. She didn't want to answer the door. What if it was more of the paparazzi? If they got into the parking lot then they could get into the building. Beca wasn't sure how but it seemed that they were capable of anything. Beca just sat in fear, pretending not to be home until she heard a voice that she thought that she'd never hear in person again.

"Beca? Becs, it's me, Chloe. Open up, baby."

Eyes brimming with tears, the brunette leapt to her feet and opened the apartment door to find Chloe standing in front of her. She was there. Right there. For her.

"Come here, baby," Chloe took Beca in her arms immediately and the brunette crumbled. "Shh... it's okay. It's okay, Becs."

Beca let go in Chloe's arms and it crushed the redhead more than words could explain.

"Come on," Chloe let herself into the apartment, still holding onto Beca.

She shut the door then sat on the fold-out bed and continued to hold the younger woman.

"I... I thought I was gonna... d, die..." Beca sobbed.

"Oh, Becs... I'm so sorry." A tear rolled down Chloe's cheek.

"I thought you were them... They, they can get into the building. They found me... What if, what if they find me again?"

"I won't let that happen, okay? I promise. I won't let anything happen to you. That's the last time those bastards get near you." Chloe hissed.

"How... How are you here? I thought you were in L.A?"

"I was but I flew over as soon as I could. I wasn't going to let you go through this by yourself and I'm still not."

Beca pulled away from Chloe and looked at her with red and puffy eyes.

"You're, you're staying?" Beca's voice trembled and it made another tear escape the redhead.


"You won't leave this time?"

"No, baby. I'm staying with you." Chloe rested her head against Beca's, their faces an inch apart. "I won't ever leave you again."

Beca nodded. "I've missed you, Chloe."

"I've missed you, too, Becs."

Beca closed her eyes and basked in Chloe's overflowing presence and scent, which was sweet like fruit. Chloe looked up and saw Beca's eyes shut. She wanted nothing more than to kiss those lips but she felt like it wasn't the right time. Beca had already been through enough so kissing her would just add to her stress.

"Where are you staying?" Beca asked, leaning back and wiping her eyes.

"I can book a hotel if I need but I'd like to stay here with you."

"Here?" Beca asked incredulously.

"Yes. Is that alright?"

"I, I don't know... Stacie and I share the fold-out and Amy has the good double bed to herself."

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