Chapter VIII

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Beca got through the front door of her apartment with a smile still plastered across her face and on her bed waiting was Fat Amy and Stacie. Beca froze and looked at her friends who were staring at her.

"Talk. Now." Stacie ordered.

"I went on a date," Beca told her.

"No shit. A date with Chloe Beale? The girl who got you fired?"

"Yes, but she got my job back for me and we sorted everything out. She's actually quite down to earth once you get to know her. We had a talk about her coming off as arrogant and stuff and she seems okay." Beca walked into her apartment, put her clutch on the table, and kicked her heels off.

"What did she think of your outfit?" Fat Amy asked.

"She loved it,"

"You're welcome."

"Thank you, Amy," Beca quickly got changed into sweatpants and a t-shirt then stepped over to the kitchen and made herself a coffee.

"What else?" Stacie probed.

"What do you mean what else? We went out to dinner then she dropped me back here."

"I want details, woman! Where did you go for dinner?"

"I can't remember the name but it was some fancy place in town."

"What did she wear?"

"A green dress with tan heels. She looked smoking hot."

"Did you kiss?"

"She might have given me a kiss when she dropped me off."

"Ah!" Stacie and Fat Amy squealed. "How was it?"

Beca laughed. "It was good. She's a good kisser."

"Any tongue?"

"No tongue but it did get a little heated."

"Nice, for a first date anyway."

Beca just rolled her eyes then sat at the kitchen table and heard her phone go off in her clutch. The brunette grabbed it and smiled when she saw a text from Chloe.

Chloe: I really enjoyed tonight. It was so much fun. xx

"Who's that?" Stacie probed.


"Oh! What's she saying?" Stacie and Fat Amy raced over and stood behind Beca so they could read the text.

Beca: I really enjoyed it, too. Thank you again. :)

Chloe: My pleasure. Thank you for my kiss. I can't wait for tomorrow where I can get another one.

Beca: Who says you'll get another one?

"Nice, keep her on her toes." Stacie smiled.

Chloe: I do.

Beca: I wouldn't get your hopes up, Beale. I might catch a cold and won't be able to come near you.

Chloe: I couldn't care less. I still want my kiss.

Beca: Well, you've got a 50/50 chance of getting one.

Chloe: And how do I make those odds change?

Beca: Depends on how good the date is tomorrow.

Chloe: Okay. What would you like to do?

"Keep going, this'll be driving her crazy," Stacie commented.

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