Chapter XXV

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"Baby... Becs..." Chloe gently coaxed Beca's cheek as she waited patiently for the brunette to wake.

"Mm?" Beca stirred.

"That's my girl... Wakey, wakey..."

"Mm..." Beca grumbled then opened her eyes to see Chloe smiling down at her. "What's going on?"

"We're going on our road trip today remember?"

When Beca's eyes focused she could see that Chloe was already dressed in jeans, boots, and a shirt, all in black with the only clothing of colour being her light blue denim jacket.

"What's the time?" The younger woman probed irritated.


"What? Are you crazy! No way!" Beca turned over, burying her face under the sheets.

"Come on, baby," Chloe giggled.


"Don't make me tickle you,"

"You wouldn't dare."

"Wouldn't I?"

"Chloe..." Beca warned.

"Beca..." Chloe mimicked.





"Tickle me and we're breaking up,"



Chloe lunged onto Beca and tickled her the best she could through the sheets.

"Chloe! Stop!" Beca couldn't control her laughs.

Beca didn't want to laugh but she was extremely ticklish and it only encouraged the redhead to tickle her girlfriend more. Chloe eventually pulled back the sheets so she had more access and Beca practically screamed when Chloe came into contact with her skin.


Chloe was almost in tears by laughing so hard while Beca was in tears from being tickled so hard.

"STOP! STOP! I'm gonna pee myself!" Beca begged and Chloe ceased her tickling. "My God... Were you trying to kill me?"

"I was trying to get you up and it looks like I did really well."

"You did really well at pissing me off,"

"Oh, don't be like that. Come on, up and at 'em!" Chloe yanked the sheets off of Beca then pulled her up out of bed.

"Chloe!" Beca whined. "It's too early!"

"Stop being a baby and get dressed!" Chloe dragged the brunette into the walk-in wardrobe. "Now, are you going to dress yourself or am I going to have to do it?"

"I'll do it," Beca grumbled.

"Good. I'll make us breakfast." Chloe gave Beca a soft kiss. "And if I find you back in bed you'll be sorry."

"Will I?"

"Yes, don't try me." The model sauntered out of the room, leaving Beca to her own devices.

Beca wanted nothing more than to hop back into bed and sleep for a few more hours but she wasn't in the mood for whatever Chloe had in store if she went back to sleep. So, the brunette pulled out her standard attire of jeans, boots, a t-shirt, and a flannel. Since she was a bit cold, Beca slipped on a black bomber jacket and her beanie that never failed to keep her warm. Once she was dressed, Beca made her way into the kitchen where Chloe was cooking up breakfast and it smelt delicious.

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