Chapter IX

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"So, how'd I do?" Chloe asked as she and Beca were walking hand-in-hand through Central Park.

"Aside from the death-defying helicopter ride that almost gave me a stroke at twenty-four? Pretty good."

Chloe giggled.

"Good. So do I dare ask if I can call you my girlfriend?"

Beca froze for a moment, not sure how to answer while Chloe was holding her breath while she waited.

"I don't think we've been dating long enough to have that kind of label," Beca told her and Chloe's heart sunk but she made sure she didn't show it.

"Fair enough."

The pair walked over to the reservoir and lent against the railing as they watched the sunset. The model looked at Beca briefly before returning her gaze back to the water.

"I'm sorry if that scared you, Beca. I just really like you and I can see us together. I know I might be being forward but like I've said to you, I need to be forward in my line of work so it only comes naturally to me." Chloe explained.

"I understand but you don't need to be so forward in relationships. Being a forward is good but not all the time. You need to be patient,"

"I know and it's something I'm still learning but I do really like you. I think you're very sweet and kind, even if you're badass and stubborn."

"How am I stubborn?" Beca laughed.

"You may be spontaneous but you're reluctant to try new things. You remain spontaneous within your comfort zone, which is kind of an oxymoron but it's true."

"Can you give me an example?"

"I offered to take you out to several new restaurants around the city and you said know until we came across something you were comfortable with."

"Hey, I don't eat seafood on a regular basis so that was new for me."

"Yes, but you've eaten it before. You need to be pushed out of your comfort zone to figure out what you like and what you don't."

"Yes, mom."

"Your damn smart mouth..." Chloe uttered.

"Are you going to spank me now?"

"Do you want me to?"

"Dude, no!" Beca said horrified.

"Just kidding," Chloe laughed.

"You come anywhere near my ass you'll lose your hand."

"Don't worry, I'm not into any of that stuff."

"Good, or else we'd have a serious problem."

Chloe giggled then slipped an arm around the brunette's waist.

"Is this okay?" She checked.

"Yes," Beca put her arm around Chloe as well, which made the model smile.

"So, does this mean I get my kiss?" Chloe asked.

"Oh, good question... Let's see..." Beca hummed as she pretended to think while Chloe just watched her in amusement. "Take away four... Carry the one... Mm... Yes. Just."

"Just? By how much?"

"That's for me to know and you to find out." She smirked.

"Let me find out then," Chloe turned, leaned forward, and pressed her lips against Beca's.

Beca closed her eyes and began to move her lips on Chloe and once they were comfortable with that, they turned it up a notch and used tongue.

"Mm..." Chloe moaned softly then shifted so that she was fully facing Beca, allowing her to wrap her arms around the shorter woman and kiss her harder.

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