Chapter XXVIII

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It was a new morning and Beca woke up to find herself in Chloe's bed alone. As soon as the brunette opened her eyes she was hit with a thumping headache, which made her groan. Beca rubbed her eyes then looked around the room for Chloe but there was no sign of the model - the room was completely empty. Once Beca adjusted to being awake, she rolled over and saw a glass of water and two white tablets with a handwritten note saying "for your hangover".

Beca took the tablets and washed them down with water before drinking the entire glass. Beca was thankful for the water but needed more. She didn't want to get out of bed though - she just wanted to curl up under the sheets, eat pizza, and sleep all day. Unfortunately for the brunette, she wouldn't be able to do such a thing. Beca soon realised what happened last night between her and Chloe and the words that were spoken. The redhead had hurt her and now that she remembered, Beca was still hurting but she had a feeling that Chloe was the one to bring her home last night so she was grateful for that.

Beca was usually one to run away from her problems or if she did face them, she didn't face them very well. It was always easier to just run instead of stay and fight. Beca wasn't proud of herself for running, especially running straight into a strip club but whenever Beca got into a dark place, that was the first place that she'd go. Again, she wasn't proud of it but it made her feel better at the time.

After about fifteen minutes, Beca's tablets kicked in and she was able to lift herself out of bed and carry herself to the bathroom. She looked terrible - her eyes were bloodshot, she had bags under them, her lips were pale, and she looked like she was going to be sick. Thankfully, she was able to keep everything down and make her way out into the main room where she was greeted by a sweet smell filling the house. When her eyes focused, she saw Chloe standing in the kitchen making what appeared to be breakfast and the sight made Beca's stomach rumble.

Beca made her way over and sat across from Chloe.

"Good morning," Beca greeted.

"Good morning," Chloe's tone was rather cool.

"What are you making?"

"Pancakes with fruit and ice cream."


Chloe finished cooking then placed Beca's breakfast in front of her.

"How's your hangover?" Chloe queried.

"It's a bitch but it's getting there," Beca replied in an equally cool tone.

"Listen, Beca, I'm really sorry about what I said to you last night and you clearly remember since you're not happy with me. It's important that you know that I never meant to say that and I never wanted to hurt you. I hate myself for saying that to you and I'm so sorry that I drove you away from me."

Beca nodded as she ate her breakfast.

"But what you did last night was a stupid thing to do. You left without your phone or anything else of yours. You spent two-thousand dollars last night on drinks and tipping strippers. You took my Shelby Cobra, which could have easily been stolen, especially since you didn't put the cover over it, and most importantly," Chloe threw her phone in front of Beca, making the brunette stop eating.

Beca was all over the Internet. Someone had spotted her at the strip club and had a field day taking photos of her getting drunk and having lap dances.

"What did I tell you?" Chloe asked in a firm tone. "I told you that the paparazzi were crazy and they don't give a shit about invading your privacy! I've had people calling me all morning and don't even get me started on my agent who's going on and on about the different rumours that have been going around. Do you have ANY idea what you've done?"

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