Chapter XII

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It had been a week since Chloe returned to L.A. She had another successful photoshoot but the photographer's assistant was nothing compared to Beca. One, they were blonde, and two, they were a man. The redhead couldn't stop thinking about Beca. She hadn't heard anything from the woman and she tried to take it as a good sign. Beca hadn't needed anything from the model but Chloe was still hoping that Beca would call her up and tell her that she wanted to get back together. Chloe lied awake every night since she got home, just aimlessly scrolling through her social media, failing to feel any kind of happiness from all of the positive comments and love from her fans. The model would smile brighter than the sun when she read all of the good things people were saying and said to her, but she felt nothing. 

She missed Beca too much to feel anything good. She knew that the brunette would be the only one who'd be able to put a genuine smile on her face but she feared that it wouldn't happen any time soon, if at all. It was a harsh reality to accept but Chloe couldn't keep living in her fantasy world where everything went right and she got her own way, not that wanting Beca was getting her own way. She felt a lot for the tiny brunette and intense feelings that Chloe had weren't just going to go away.

Chloe was back in her L.A home, which was overly large for just one person. It was luxurious with a pool and a fantastic view of the hills but it was empty. Yes, Chloe held quite a few parties at her house and she pretty much had someone if not a bunch of people over her house every day. It was rare that the redhead got a whole day at home by herself but she didn't mind. She liked the company. If she wasn't at home, she would be out doing her modeling, interviews, and working with her team on her Love Is Louder campaign. Chloe had her own skyscraper dedicated to her campaign, that's how big it had gotten over the past several years. Even though the redhead created the campaign, she rarely worked at the building. She didn't actually have an office for herself since other people ran it for her, but she got to pitch ideas and have the final say on everything.

It was early afternoon and Chloe was splayed out on the couch in sweatpants and a t-shirt, eating chips, and binge-watching Orange Is The New Black, trying not to get too mopy between the scenes with Piper and Alex, and Nicky and Lorna. They weren't the most ideal relationships but they were relationships nonetheless and all of the characters felt strongly towards their desired partner - something that Chloe desperately wanted with Beca. Unrequited love wasn't something Chloe was fond of nor wanted.

The model's binge-watching was interrupted when Aubrey waltzed into her house and found her best friend on the couch.

"Oh no," Aubrey approached the model.

"Don't, Bree," Chloe warned.

"What has this girl done to you?" Aubrey sat next to her best friend.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Look at you! This isn't the happy, upbeat, charismatic Chloe Beale that we all know and love!"

"Yeah, well, even the happiest of people have their down moments, and this is mine." Chloe shoved a handful of chips into her mouth.

"Come on, no one makes Chloe Beale feel this way!"

"It's not like she did it on purpose, Bree. She did it to keep herself safe. I'd probably do the same if I were her."

"Oh, Chlo, don't be like that. What have I said about feeling sorry for yourself?"

"I'm not feeling sorry for myself. I'm just missing her that's all."

"Sitting on the couch in your sweats while binge-eating and watching say otherwise."

"Am I not allowed to miss her?"

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