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"Help me, it's like the walls are caving in. Sometimes I feel like giving up, but I just can't. It isn't in my blood."


"Baby girl, you ready?"

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"Baby girl, you ready?"

"Almost, Daddy!" London yelled back.

I shook my head at her never being ready. She reminded me so much of her mother it was ridiculous.

We were nearly late every morning because of her antics. "Baby girl!"

"I'm coming!" Next thing I knew she came flying down the stairs.

"I'm coming!" Next thing I knew she came flying down the stairs

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"What took you so long?" I asked immediately.

"I couldn't find my shoes." She said smiling innocently which led me to believe that she was lying.

"And what else?"

"I was watching tv." She mumbled.

I shook my head again. "I knew it. Come on, let's get you to school. You need to stop doing this, London."

She groaned. "Sorry, Daddy."

We left out and I made sure to lock up behind us. It was the beginning of the school year so London was still excited about going to school. She blabbed about her best friends, her teachers, and her schedule all the way there.

"Have a great day, beautiful. I love you."

"I love you too, daddy."

"Give me a kiss." She leaned between the seats and gave me a kiss on the cheek before hopping out and running to the school.

I made sure she was in before pulling off and heading to work. I worked as a mechanic at a car garage. I was good with my hands, but not in school so I decided not to go to college.

My daughter was another reason I decided not to go to college. I had no one to watch her since her mother left. She decided she wanted to move to LA to pursue her dreams. I wasn't able to go with her, but she swore up and down that she'd be back... she still hasn't come back. 6 years later.

Times did get tough. Especially because I was from the hood with little to nothing and Mariah had parents who were rich and paid for everything.

That's why I couldn't move to LA with her, her parents didn't approve of me and wouldn't pay for me to 'mooch off of her.'

But they had no problem leaving me with the baby. So after the first 3 years of her being gone and I knew she wasn't coming back, I put her ass on child support. It's the least she could do for London.

I was making decent money, but I still felt like her mother needed to do something else.

I stood up and felt the aching pain in my back immediately. I dug in my pocket to pull out a pill to take.

After I swallowed it with some orange juice, I made my way inside the garage.

"Shawn, nice of you to join us."

"What's up, Em." I nodded and sat down.

We discussed sports and other things guys talk about while we worked for 8 hours. It was going on 4 o'clock and it was time to pick London up from school.

"Aight, fellas. I'll see y'all tomorrow." I gave them handshakes and headed back to my car.

When I got inside, I poured another pill into my palm and swallowed it with my spit. I sighed and looked at myself in the mirror before pulling off to pick up my daughter.

"Daddy!" London yelled as she ran up to me. I picked her up and spun her around.

"Hi, baby." I smiled. "How was school?"

"I had so much fun, Daddy! Even I made new friends!"

"Oh really?" I asked matching her excitement. I let her in the backseat and got in the driver's seat.

"Mhm! I'm hungry."

"You can get a snack when we get home while you do your homework."


She sat back and looked out of the window while I drove us home. I couldn't wait to get in the shower and eat something. I was tired and dirty as hell.

We soon pulled up to our house and London hopped out and ran to the door. "Hurry up, Daddy!" She yelled.

I chuckled and locked the doors before meeting her at the front door. "Finally! I have to pee, come on!"

"Patience, little girl." I teased as I moved in slow motion to put the key in the door.

"Daddyyyyyy." She groaned and bounced up and down. "It's not funny!"

I decided to stop messing with her and open the door for real.

She wasted no time running inside and going to the bathroom.

We lived in a cozy 3 bedroom house, I put her in the only room upstairs because the ceiling was too low for me and I didn't want her downstairs by herself. There's 2 bathrooms, one on the first floor and the other in the basement.

The basement is our hangout room. Her toys are down there and my PS4 is down there. While I play my game, she plays hers.

She soon returned from the bathroom and took her homework right out.

"What do you want for snack?"

"Ummm... can I have cookies please?"

"Yup. You want milk?"


I gave her like 5 Oreo cookies and some almond milk. "Please don't make a mess on your homework. I'm going to take a shower, you know the drill."

"Don't open the door for anyone."

"Perfect. I'll be right back."

I left her alone and went to take my shower. She was very independent so I wasn't scared to leave her unattended to. She knew wrong from right for the most part.

The only things I'd catch her doing is making a mess or sneaking more snacks, nothing too crazy.

I stood in the shower letting the warm water relax me. It felt amazing because I felt so dirty after a long day at work.

After shower for around 15 minutes, I got out and dressed in some shorts and a tank top. I slid my feet in my Nike slides to go check on London.

"You finished?"

"Yes, can I go watch tv?"

I picked the paper up and read over it. "Is this all you have to do?" She nodded. "Okay, go change then you can watch tv."

She did what I said while I put her stuff away. I checked the fridge to see what I could make us for dinner. After deciding on chicken nuggets and fries, I went back to my room to relax before I had to make it. I wasn't a chef or anything so we ate simple foods. Nothing fancy.

I know if London needed something she'd call me or come get me, so I rested my eyes for a few minutes.

In My Blood {FIN}Where stories live. Discover now