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I finally... FINALLY built the courage to call Jay after being oh so childish. After a while, I figured it was too late, but I finally decided to unblock him and call him because Solange was right. I didn't even know why I was mad anymore. After all, he did apologize and we were never really together in the first place. He was wrong no doubt, but alas, I needed to let it go.

When I called, he didn't answer and I frowned. It upset me. After I put my pride in my pocket to call this man and he just ignored me. Wow. Well at least I tried. I shrugged and went on about my day.

We finished dinner and I helped Egypt with his homework before running his bath. I let him get in the tub while I sat in my room watching This is Us. I had missed like 3 episodes so I was trying to get caught up.

My phone rang and I frowned not recognizing the number. I pressed the lock button once to silence it as I let it finish ringing. I watched the until it stopped, but they called right back. "Uhm... Hello?" I said slowly.

"Is this B...?" They asked sounding confused and slightly drained.

"Yes... who is this?" I asked even more confused.

"This meek, I don't know if you remember. I'm Jay's homeboy. Have you heard about Jay?" 

"Jay Jay? As in Shawn Jay?" I semi panicked. I had him blocked until a couple minutes ago, so no I never heard from or about him.


"No, Meek. What happened? Is he okay?" It had to be serious if his homeboy was calling me. My stomach dropped to my ass as I waited for Meek to answer my question.

"Well I don't really know." He answered causing me to spring up. "He's in the hospital... they saying he overdosed. I figured nobody let you know so I had to find your number."

I gasped as my eyes became glossed over. This was my fault, I blamed myself immediately. I was supposed to help him, but I got mad and stopped. "Where?! I need to see him! I need to go see him!"

I began getting dressed, quickly throwing on a hoodie and sweatpants. While meek told me the hospital he was in. "Have you been there to see him yet?"


"How is he?"

"Well he was unconscious while I was there. They said he was going to wake up soon but I was there for a minute. I just left not too long ago."

"Okay. Thank you for letting me know. I really appreciate that."

We ended the call and I called Solange.

"Solo please say you're free right now."

"What's wrong? Is everything okay?" She asked.

"Something happened to Jay I want to go see him. Can you watch Egy?"

"I'm on my way."

I thanked her and threw on a quick sweatsuit. I also rushed Egypt out of the tub and into bed before Solange pulled up. She came in less than 10 minutes and I left right when she pulled up.

Meek told me the hospital and room number and everything so I just followed his directions to get to Jay. I had butterflies, but not the good kind. I was anxious and scared. I didn't know what to expect he probably hates me.

I knocked on his door before just walking in because I didn't know if he was up or not.

I saw him and my heart exploded. "Jay..." I called. He looked so pale and weak. I froze in my spot.

His eyes slowly fluttered open and met mine. I almost smiled until he frowned extremely hard.

"Why you here, mane?"

"Don't be like that." I said as a tear rolled down my cheek. "Please don't be like that. I'm so sorry."

"Mchtt." He sucked his teeth and waved me off. "Of course."

"Shawn." He turned his face away from me to look the other direction. I took that time to move closer. "I should've been there."

He stayed silent. "What happened?" Still no answer. "Did... did you do this on purpose?" I didn't want to ask, but I needed to know.

Only then did he look at me with such fire in his eyes. "No! I wish people would stop asking that dumb ass question. Why would I try to kill myself, Beyoncé? Who would take care of my daughter if I wasn't here?!"

I flinched at his yelling. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked that... I should've been there with you." I touched his hand softly as I felt more tears threatening to fall.

"Yeah, but it's whatever." I hugged him and he chuckled. "You females trip me out, man. Now wanna be all on a nigga dick all of a sudden, but just had me blocked. Crazy ass."

"Bit-" I frowned when I was interrupted by someone walking in. It was the same light skinned woman I saw before with London right behind her. I quickly identified her as his baby momma. "Mmm. Is that her? I knew there was someone else."

Jay rolled his eyes and so did I. I didn't know what she was talking about so I decided not to act out yet. After all I am an adult and this is not the time or place for me to show my ass.

"BB." London gasped quietly and walked around to give me a quick hug before going to her father. "You okay, Daddy?"

He smiled at her. "Yes, baby girl. I'm okay." He touched her hair as she stood beside him. "Thanks for bringing her, Mariah."

"Mhm." She nodded and side-eyed me. I wasn't in the mood, so I simply grilled her back.

"I'm going to... um leave." I announced.

"Cool." Jay mumbled but London grabbed my hands.

"Noooo." She whined.

I gave her a soft smile. "I'll see you another time, okay?"

"No." She pouted. "You said that last time and It's been forever. And, and I just got here. I don't want you to leave."


"London, let that lady leave." Mariah snapped in a tone that I didn't appreciate. Jay even looked at her funny.

"Bit-." I took a deep breath and collected myself. I decided to ignore her slick comment. "I'm sorry, London. I have to go, but I'll see you again soon. Promise." We locked pinkies and did a little handshake. She giggled and gave me a kiss on my cheek.

"You really had her around our child?" I heard Mariah mumble.

I chuckled when I knew I was going to be petty. "I'm sorry, Jay." I whispered again before leaning down and placing a kiss on his lips. It was barely a kiss, more so a tease. Our lips only touched slightly, but you couldn't tell from where Mariah was standing. "I'll see you later."

He was irritated, could've been for a number of reasons, but I didn't care. I glanced back at Mariah, who looked upset as well, and smirked. "It was nice to meet you..." I told her before looking back at Jay one more time. "This isn't over, Shawn."

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