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"My stomach hurts so bad." B complained for the 100th time in the last hour.

I looked at her and sighed. "I don't know what to do, baby."

"Me either." She said on the verge of tears. "It feels like cramps, but wayyyy worse. Oh my God. It's gotten worse, Jay."

"Should we go to the hospital?" I asked and she stayed quiet. Everybody hates the hospital. You never know what type of news to expect.

"I don't know, I'm scared."

"On a scale 1-10, what is the pain?"

She shrugged. "50."

"Aight. Let's go." I said standing up. I pulled a hoodie over my head and put socks and slides on with my hooping shorts. "You want to leave the kids with who? Your sister, mom, or my mom?"

"I don't want to go to the doctor, Jay."

"Where do you want to drop the kids off? Because they're not coming with us." I said ignoring her statement. I could never understand people who'd rather stay in pain instead of figuring out what the problem is.

I sort of did the same thing for my back, but that was different. This pain is new and it's clearly progressing, but she'd rather lay here and complain instead of taking action. So I'll do it for her.

"We can take them to my moms house." She suggested in defeat. I went straight to get them dressed. They complained and asked questions, but I had to just ignore them for the most part. After they were ready and B was ready, we headed out.

"Mommy, where are y'all going?" Egypt asked from the backseat.

"Out while you stay with grandma." She answered vaguely.

"London too?"

"Yes, she's going with you. We'll be back to pick you up. Don't worry, London, my mama is nice. Remember?" B smiled warmly at her and London nodded while returning the smile.

"What's wrong?" Egypt asked picking up on his mother's vibes.

"Nothing. I'm okay, baby."

After about 15 minutes of driving we were dropping the kids off and heading to the hospital.

Check in was quick, surprisingly it wasn't too full. We still ended up waiting 40 minutes for her to be called though. They took her vitals and asked what brought her in today. She just explained she was having stomach pains.

I held her hand as they ran some tests. They got a urine sample, did a pelvic exam, ultrasound, all that other shit.

I don't know about B, but I was confused as to what they were finding out. Finally they decided to talk us through it.

"So, Ms. Knowles, you came in complaining of abdominal pain. It's a very good thing that you came when you did." He started.

"Why? What's going on?"

"Oh boy." I mumbled. I knew something bad was going to happen soon. Didn't I say I could feel it?

"Well, you're urine sample came back... positive. You are pregnant. And the pain you've been feeling is coming from a uterine fibroid. From the looks of it, the fibroid is on the inside of your uterus, your womb... where the baby is growing."

"Where did it come from?" B asked with a confused frown.

"The fibroid could've came from many things. Alcohol consumption, family history, or even from the pregnancy itself because of the hormones."


"That's not all, I'm afraid it gets worse. Because of the size of the fibroid, being greater than 2.5 inches, and the damage it's done, I highly recommend an abortion. If not, the fibroid could get bigger and labor and delivery would be a huge risk for your health. You could possibly bleed out. After we remove the fibroid we can examine your uterus to see if you could still bear children. This may have caused too much damage on the uterine walls... ma'am, you may not be able to get pregnant again."

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