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It was almost over, I could feel it

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It was almost over, I could feel it. I wiped the tears from my eyes as I painfully retched again. Although there was nothing left in my stomach to throw up, my body still tried. Beyoncé was sleeping on the floor for a reason unbeknownst to me. When I tried to wake her, she irritably groaned and told me to leave her alone. I simply shrugged and did what she asked.

After brushing my teeth, I exited the bathroom. It was still very early on a Sunday morning, so I wasn't sure what I wanted to do just yet. But I did know that I wanted to take a shower before doing anything else. Quietly, I gathered all of the things necessary for me to take a shower. I didn't want to wake B again because I did not need to hear her mouth this early in the day. I rolled my eyes just thinking about it.

I took a long 20 minute shower and got dressed in a simple tank top and a pair of my high school sweats. Yes, I could still fit most of my clothes and shoes from high school.

Making my way down to the kitchen, I decided to make some breakfast for the kids. Looking through B's pantry, the only thing I could find that I was able to make was French toast. We had bread, milk, and eggs, so boom. And not to mention I make the best French toast, hands down. Pancakes/waffles not so much, but nobody was touching my French toast.

In the midst of me cooking, I heard small footsteps coming down the stairs. I smiled knowing that it was London. My baby was an early bird to the fullest. "Daddy, you making French toast??!" She exclaimed.

"Yeah, baby. I know how you love daddy's world famous french toast."

She grinned. "Yes, It's my favorite!"

"You want to help me make it?"

"Mhm!" She nodded. "What can I do?"

I let her mix the batter while I put them in the frying pan. In no longer than 40 minutes, everything was done. French toast, turkey bacon, and scrambled eggs.

"Go get BB and Egypt." I checked the time and noticed it was only going on 9. B might be mad that it's kind of early, but I don't care. She needs to eat and nobody likes cold eggs.

After I made both of the kids a plate, they were coming to sit down. "Good morning, Jay!" Egypt said sitting down.

"Good morning, little man. Where's your momma?"

He shrugged and started eating. "I told her we were having breakfast." London said.

"Did she say she was coming?"

Again, I got a shrug making me shake my head. "Do y'all know anything?" I asked. You can't get kids to do a doggone thing.

I sat with them at the table and listened to them talk. No more than 5 minutes later, Beyoncé was coming down the steps. "Damn... you look horrible." I said accidentally saying the first thing that came to my mind.

"Bitch, fuck you." She mumbled and proceeded to grab a plate.

"What's wrong with you?" I frowned.

"I feel like shit and you want to make jokes." She said rolling her eyes. "Good morning, y'all." She spoke to the kids causing them to say good morning back in sync.

"Can I have some juice?" London asked.
"And me too." Egypt added quickly.

I nodded and got up to get them both some white grape juice. Everybody wants to debate Apple versus orange juice as if white grape juice isn't better than both. I went ahead and poured myself and B a glass as well because I knew she'd want some.

"Can I stay home tomorrow?" Egy asked B. All she did was shake her head. "What's wrong?"

"I don't feel good, baby. Just having a rough morning."

"Why you slept on the floor?" I asked.

"My back was hurting."

I nodded my head. Didn't make too much sense to me, but oh well.

After we finished eating I began getting ready to wash the dishes. Beyoncé stopped me. "You cooked let me clean."

"You said you feel like trash, I'm not about to let you clean up. Go lay down."

"Jay." She groaned. "I'm not trying to argue with you today. I don't feel like getting smart, I don't feel fighting with you, I don't feel like none of that. Just move out of the way."

I threw my hands up and stepped aside. I wasn't going to fight with her about it. It's whatever.

I made my way to the living room and sat on the couch. Sunday means football! I changed the channel to ESPN. It was still early, but that didn't mean I couldn't watch highlights or the pregame show. Today my cowboys are playing the bum ass giants. I already know we going to win.

If I wasn't rooting for the cowboys it was the patriots. They are my two favorite teams. I have Tom Brady and Zeke on my fantasy football team, I was in first place.

Right now, they were talking about the game that was about to come on and who they thought would win. Stuff like that. I could watch sports all day. Football, basketball, baseball, soccer, I could even watch hockey sometimes. But of course, football and basketball are my favorite sports to watch. I don't even have to just watch my team, I just like watching.

Beyoncé entered a little while later. I saw her out of the corner of my eye, I thought she was just going to sit next to me, but I was wrong. She came and straddled my lap and laid her head on my shoulder. Nothing sexual about it.

It was more like she just wanted to be babied. I rubbed her back with the arm she wasn't crushing. "You good?" I asked after a while.

She nodded. "I'm sorry I'm such a bitch. You hate me."

"Stop. I don't hate you and you're not a bitch... well-" I stopped when she glared at me. "I'm playing, boo, damn."

"I l... I like really appreciate you." She said lowly.

"I appreciate you too, B. More than you know."

I don't know what came over either of us, but our lips just met for a kiss. I held her lower back firmly as we held a passionate make out session on the couch.

My little man started to get too excited. If I felt it, I know she felt it too. So I tried to put an end to it. She didn't let me though, we continued to kiss each other's faces off as she began grinding on me ever so slowly. Although her pace was so slow, it was turning me on even more.

Just as I was going to tell her to stop, we heard footsteps coming causing us both to stop abruptly. I reached in my pants to adjust my arousal. I heard the refrigerator open and close then the footsteps went back upstairs.

I sighed a sigh of relief as I looked down at Beyoncé whose cheeks were bright red. "What's up with you?"

"I'm sorry... I couldn't contain myself."

I smirked and tapped her thigh. "Move, I'm trying to watch football."

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