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In winter everything has a harsh sort of beauty, a crisp rugged and hard form of unique interest. Harsh angles meet smooth slopes to create a piece of art. I don't fit here. The planet we are on is covered in snow and ice and I couldn't hate it more. Back on earth my favorite season was winter, but this isn't earth. And that is why I hate it so much. My breath shows in billowing clouds of white. My nose ears and fingers hurt because of the cold but I don't really care. Blue is on the other side of the open meadow where I am situated the chrome of her armor is bright in contrast with the softness of the snow. But the smoke smearing up from her cockpit is enough to make me sigh in defeat.
:earlier that day:
I was minding my own business in the hallways when I over heard a conversation between my team. I know it's rude to eavesdrop but I couldn't help myself. I wish I had. "As much as I hate to say it I am glad Lance isn't here." Pidge said sounding a little remorseful, but honest. I sucked in a breath at the mental blow. "Yeah, I mean Lance is great, but he can be so loud and annoying. A break is kinda nice." Hunk said. My heart cracked a little. Ice making its way through my veins, cutting me open from the inside out. My best friend... "ha you don't have to pretend you even like him, he's annoying and clingy and ruins everything, that's just the way he is." Keith says boldly, no trace of dishonesty or even remorse in his tone or face. And my heart broke. The pain of it took my breath away. I stumbled a bit, they heard me. Hunk was the first to see me. "Lance..." he started his tone hurt... why is he hurt? I take off running, I get to blue, she opens up immediately. Then we fly. I don't know what hit us. I was crying too hard to see. But I know we are crashing towards a planet, eventually we crash land there.
:current time:
And that's where we are now. Me and blue. Covered in ice and snow. My ankle is broken, and I am sure I have a concussion. But I don't have it in me to care. So I lay there. My back on the snow. My eyes staring at the foreign mystic Beaty of this place. Until frost creeps up my face. I am numb now. And that's ok. I sit and I wait and I stare and I play. Until the gentle teeth of frost's bite take me away.
I know this is kinda depressing sorry...

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