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Storms are terrifying and loud. They can reach your bones and destroy whole cities, no, countries with their force and strength. A storm was what was brewing on Lance right now. HE. WAS. DONE. He was sore, and exhausted, and sick of being treated like he didn't exist. He was sitting at dinner with steam practically busting out of his ears. The others were simply having everyday conversations, and studiously pretending that Lance didn't exist. Hunk and Pidge we're talking about a new piece of alien tech they has found. Lance had tried to join the conversation, but Pidge had just said, "can it wait Lance?" Sarcastically, and brushed him off. Shiro and Allura were talking strategy from the battle today, and Lance actually had some ideas, but Shiro has just told him to shut up. So now just as Keith was walking in the room, Lance stormed off strategically avoiding Keith, and marching straight to the training room to begin viciously tearing up the training bots. Bot after bot was taken down by Lance's blade, and gun, until Lance was pretty sure he had destroyed the entire training room, but like a storm eventually he wore himself out, until he was sobbing on the floor of the training deck.
Keith's POV
Keith has just finished his shower, and was going to dinner. He was planning on asking Lance how he had done a really cool fighting move in the battle earlier, but as he walked into the kitchen to eat dinner he passed a brooding, and pissed off Lance. He didn't know what he had done to make Lance angry, but Lance hadn't said anything to him, so he doubted Lance was angry at him. So, why was he upset? " hey guys, do you know why Lance was storming out of here just now?" Keith asked the table Friends. " Lance was here?"Pidge asked finally looking away from the alien tech. "Umm, yeah, he just stormed out of here." " oh crap!." Pidge yelled. "Lance was in here, and we acted like he wasn't even here, I barely even noticed him, and then he tried to say something and I totally Ignored him." " yeah, I kind of did the same thing."  Shiro admitted hesitantly. "you guys did that! That's awful. We all know he already has a hard time believing he has a place on this team, and you all just ignored him... I... I'm going to go find Lance." He said and follow the sounds of breaking metal and fighting to the training room. As you approach the door, Keith could hear the fighting stop, and moment of silence, until he could make out the soft sounds of crying floating out of the room. He debated rather not to go in, because he knew that he could be rather bad at handling emotions, but Siri decided to go win, he knocked softly as he walked into the room. " Lance... Are, I mean, are you OK?" He ask a little nervously, looking down at Lance he was on his knees facing opposite direction. Lance stiffened at first, the only sign he had heard Keith. Then shook his head softly. "Umm, is there anything I can do?" Kid asked, already known the answer. Lance shook his head again. " all right, well,I, I guess I will leave you to it then..." and she turned to walk to the door.... When Lance's voice spoke up... " Keith, do you, am I, am I useless Keith? Do I actually do anything for the team?" Lance asked soundly, and almost resigned to answer. " Lance..." he started, and looked back to the crying boy. " you're not useless. You were the nicest, kindest, friendliest people that never met, you bring the team together, and I couldn't ask for a better teammate... Or friend." Keith said Solemnly, a blush spreading across his cheeks. " do you really mean that?" Lance ask, his eyes shining with years, but what I do with hop Lance ask, his eyes shining with tears, but wide with hope. " yeah. Most definitely." He said's. And she didn't even need to see lances answering smile to know he'd helped.

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